ancient gateways

  1. Henda

    Out of Body Experience : New Atlantis

    Voyage to New Atlantis November 2019 I have been in New Atlantis during the last days, and I travelled back last night to notice my parallel life with beings from there. I was working in a sophisticated space station that is not so far from the Ocean. It is wide painted in a glowing white...
  2. Snowmelt

    Woodward TV - What you need to know about ancient gateways - the Sun and the Serpent

    This is a short video of 21 minutes, which touches on ancient dimensional gateways such as Stonehenge, Teotihuacan, and the Serpent Mound in northern America, and links this up with the quantum gateway of CERN. Interesting perspectives, another stretch in the mind-stretching which has been going...