clif high interview

  1. Bill

    Clif on his return to deep woo and why he's emphasized Bitcoin

    Here's a couple of minute extract from an ~2.5 hour interview Clif High recently did with Off Planet Media discussing Time and the ever present now. This extract comes from the last few minutes of the interview. In it Clif reveals he is going to be bringing forward more of the deep woo he used...
  2. Bill

    Promoted Secrets Revealed as Govt Collapse/Restructuring Takes Place

    Cliff has posted on his YouTube channel a 3-part interview that he did recently with Sarah Westall. It is a far reaching discussion entitled "Secrets Revealed as Government Collapse/Restructuring Takes Place." Part One (58 min) includes discussion around crypto currencies and blockchain...
  3. Bill

    Clif High Interview - 15 June 2017

    As some of you may be aware Clif suffered a wrist injury a few weeks back and that has limited his ability to produce both the Webbot report and his newer "Bare Naked" reports regarding crypto-currencies. As a result he has chosen to only do the crytpo reports, at least through the summer, until...
  4. Bill

    Clif interview - about consciousness 11-Feb-2017

    Clif is interviewed and the discussion is NOT the typical about bitcoin, precious metals and the like. Instead Clif goes into details about how and why his predictive linguistic approach works, and then continues in a quite fascinating discussion of consciousness and some of the science about...