
  1. Laron

    You owe yourself the love that you give so freely to others

    It’s easy to keep on giving, yet forget about the most important thing — you. To really be effective, we have to dedicated time to focus on ourselves, otherwise when we do help others we won’t do such a good job and may even cause them harm, which could include passing on negative energy that we...
  2. Laron

    Clara & Tim – A story of human compassion

    A heart warming story. "I saw this gentleman, Tim, in Boston's Logan airport with the sister he'd been visiting. It appeared he was both deaf and blind, as I observed her signing into his hand for him to feel her words. When he came aboard the plane he had been assigned the middle seat of my...
  3. Pod

    Scientists Discover That The Heart & Brain Respond To Future Events – Before They Happen

    Arjun Walia at Collective Evolution has published a wonderful article on precognition, the heart and the brain. Here is an excerpt: The Results The results of the experiment were fascinating to say the least. The participants’ brains and hearts responded to information about the emotional...
  4. Pod

    Hands up if you feel you are really shifting!

    It has been a helluva week Godlings.........Schrödinger's Other Cat has listed a series of energy readings which mean nothing to my head but everything to my heart <3<3O.o:D I have known since Wednesday that something profound had shifted in me but could not put my finger on it till this...
  5. Lai Jumoke

    Analysis and Attraction

    I was thinking why do we love crystals so much? I could think of so many things. I loved the time I spent thinking why I love crystals. A childhood classmate then asked me after an hour, in a random message from USA (out of the blue), why I like crystals so much. I asked him back why he bought...