shadow work

  1. Maryann

    Just When Things Look Dark, the Sun: Anica with the Arcturians

    A new message from Anica Colinion of the League of Light, acting as a galactic liaison, this time in connection with the Arcturians. As they explain, they offer no designation of their name other than that; I hope you can, as I do, feel the smooth and streamlined energies of the Arcturians...
  2. K

    Working consciously and safely in the lower realms of trauma...Part 2

    Continuing with the previous discussion, I shared some examples of how it is like to work consciously and safely in lower realms of trauma and how by learning to control our energy this work can be done. I must warn everyone reading this post that if you feel afraid of lower realms, of entities...
  3. K

    How can self healing techinques in meditation change over time?

    If you have been guided to meditate for healing purposes, or just to ask for guidance and connection to higher aspects of yourself, have you experienced an evolution in the way you receive the gifts of such practices? I can tell you that in my own case, when I started meditating in 2012, my...