A Poem from the Movie Wind River (1 Viewer)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
There is a meadow in my perfect world
where wind dances the branches of a tree,
casting leopard spots of light across the face of a pond…
The tree stands tall and grand and alone
shading the world beneath it.

There will come a day when I rest
against its spine and look out over a valley
where the sun warms, but never burns…

I will watch leaves turn
green, then amber, then crimson,
then no leaves at all…

But the tree will not die,
for in this place, winter never comes…
It is here, in the cradle of all I hold dear,
I guard every memory of you.

And when I find myself frozen in the mud of the real —
far from your loving eyes, I will return to this place,
close mine, and take solace in the simple perfection
of knowing you.


The poem above is from the movie Wind River, which I saw tonight on Netflix. The movie was great, but that poem was touching and very memorable.


QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
Does anyone like a specific line or section of this poem? Does anything stand out to you?


Involved Wayfarer
The poem is exquisite. There is so much depth that I find it difficult to choose a specific line. However, I think the first and second sections stands out for me because I have experienced that meadow and have rested against the spine of that tree. " And when I find myself frozen in the mud of the real —" I remind myself of that meadow and know I am not the dreamer, I am the dream. I had a vision in 1995 and that vision profoundly impacted my life. My journey began in that meadow.
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Just Arrived
Jul 9, 2018
And when I find myself frozen in the mud of the real... that’s the line that broke my heart. The poem is beauty in every form.. but that particular line.. life has its way of showing it’s reality no matter how ugly.. this I know well.. as do so very many...


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016
But the tree will not die,
for in this place, winter never comes…
I like this imagery. It reminds me of the grandness of our own soul, the real --- life we cradle. It's been a little while, but I enjoyed this movie. Great poem with a vast amount of depth within it. Also to talk a little bit about the movie itself, it portrayed some of the ugliness currently going on in our world as to bring awareness to it, for us to help mend the problem bringing a solution to it eventually. Native Americans still have it tough here in the U.S. We as humanity, as a whole are still very much disconnected with the land (mother earth) and it would be beneficial for everyone to rekindle that connection we once had.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” -Martin Luther King Jr.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I have one of those meadows where I often go, it has a shady tree and gentle waterfall singing as it splashes into a crystal clear pool. There is no fear, simply peace and love.

The poem is beautiful, if I had to choose something, for me it would be the last verse.


Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Aug 28, 2016
My favorite part is the ending:

But the tree will not die,
for in this place, winter never comes…
It is here, in the cradle of all I hold dear,
I guard every memory of you.

And when I find myself frozen in the mud of the real —
far from your loving eyes, I will return to this place,
close mine, and take solace in the simple perfection
of knowing you.
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Staff member
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Aug 15, 2016
Perth, Western Australia
Sentient beings spend lives as trees, through which they learn grounding and Earth wisdom....

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