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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
It seems that I might not make it to the end of the year. Lung cancer is worsening very much, very painful. There was a small blood stain on my pillow this morning and I keep losing too much hair and it looks very thin. I thought that I would heal but it seems I will not, after all. :(
The "heart" rating is Love for you, Karla! I'll be sending you Loving Energy in every moment, should you wish to receive it.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Karla, I am so sorry and know that I stand with you through all of this.

I also want to share that whenever I read your words, I feel strength, clarity, love, and compassion.

Peace to you and your home.



Elder Entity
Jan 8, 2017
Carl I could have gone to see doctors years ago when I started fighting, but the way an uncle passed away last year of lung cancer and the way the doctors treated him confirmed to me that it would be a really bad idea. My family suffered greatly for the neglectfulness of the doctors, it was awful. I also knew of a young lady with cancer who went for treatment, she was supposedly going well, but last time I saw her she was already using a wig. I'd rather keep fighting with all kinds of shamanic/soul retrieval tools.
Not all doctors are bad or neglectful. Chemical therapy can account for the lady wearing a wig. Actually, I lost a grandfather (my favorite grandparent) due to prostate cancer. He felt that traditional medicine wasn't curing him fast enough and went the shamanic way only. The result wasn't pleasant and when the family realized what was going on and tried to reverse course it was too late. Perhaps it is the combination of both systems that has the better chance. There are medical doctors open to a combination of western medicine with unconventional approaches.


Elder Entity
Aug 3, 2016
I understand your point dear Carl...but in my case, not a chance. I'd rather die with dignity at home than to fall in the hands of those guys. Sorry about the tone. Yes I know not all doctors are bad but the ones in my city have a really bad reputation and I have seen it for years in the way they treat my grandma and how they have treated my mom. People even say that if someone is treated of cancer in my city they have a good chance of dying. There is a doctor who might be good but anyway I do not have money for such treatments. There are doctors in my family and they are totally against any form of alternative medicine, they would not even believe in energy work.

Besides even though my problem is condensed in my physical vessel, the root causes do not come from physical but from etheric/astral level and as such must be treated from those levels, it just gets too complicated.

I am very sorry to hear about your loss my friend.
Thinking of you Karla, lots of healing love and hugs my darling.


Involved Wayfarer
Jul 30, 2016
Hi Karla,

Am very sorry to hear about your situation and sending you lots of love and healing energy. I wondered if you'd heard of Dr Robert Morse's work? He's a naturopath who advocates detoxifying and regenerating your body using mainly fruits and herbs. He's helped a lot of people get well over the years, including some serious illnesses, and just watching him you can tell this is a man who is passionate about his work and radiates love.

Although the problem may be from an etheric/astral level and it sounds like you are working on the root causes of it already, it is manifesting in your physical body, so it seems to make sense to me to support the body by giving it the most beneficial foods to aid its healing. (You're probably already doing this but I thought I'd throw it in there, just in case you hadn't come across Dr Morse's work before). Another spoke to the wheel of wellness!

He has a YouTube channel with hundreds of Q&A videos where he answers people's questions. This was one I found that touches on the subject of lung cancer:

There is a website, which catalogues his videos by time stamp so you can search for particular topics.

Of course, as with everything, individual discernment is key, but I found him to be a positive and inspirational source of information.

Much love, <3

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
I'm speechless at your bravery Karla, and know that you have and are doing everything possible to maintain your life. Do you know why you've chosen this life path?

I know that you're Shamaness is doing many helpful things but I feel moved to say that my friend Dr Palmer works with a medium Andy and together they do some amazing healing and clearing of the etheric body. If you feel drawn to have them look at your etheric body and clear it, I'd be happy to cover the costs. When they do this they send you a private video of the session.



QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
It seems that I might not make it to the end of the year.
Be open to what may come, whether that is the help and assistance from those reaching out to you from hearing about your situation, or simply your acceptance of what you're experiencing; but that doesn't mean you are giving up or not fighting. Sometimes we have to truly let go to make the breakthrough.

You have all our support and love!

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
I will make sure to watch what more I can learn about shielding. Last night I realized there is still so much I need to do. I appreciate your offer, for now Pod from this site has been doing some work. She detected a problem on my root and I am working on fixing it because it does seem that for years it has been causing part of this whole mess.

As for why I chose this...LOL to be honest with you because I have an irrational soul. What I found out and what I was given in some readings over the years (including astrology) that confirms much is that I brought a very huge huge huge HUGE problem with me from several timelines. Along with some close soulmates, we created a silly vow that turned into something very negative in so many timelines that now I am in charge of fixing this mess. All of us have been suffering, including my partner who for years has also been suffering much. So I was told that to clear this mess will take plenty of time, but with the increasing energies these timelines collapse more into my physical body and it is a load to carry. I do not know if this was meant to happen at soul level or not but it was all bad enough. So I know...I have to keep moving.

So I knew that some days would be very bad but yesterday it really took my toll.
OK, I trust that you know what's right for you. Just so you know they don't do psychic shielding but peel back your etheric body. look inside and see what's going on in there and make the corrections with your guides. It's fascinating to witness how they work and learn of the after effects. They check the connection of your sovereignity between your soul and physical body and lots of other things.

Vows can be broken. I've seen them in action and witnessed their release. Often there are religious vows among others that plague us in unhealthy fear causing ways. They're as potent as curses. They travel with us through lifetimes as do contracts. Contracts and agreements are different. Contracts are generally attached to dark entities which create the belief that they are fool proof and binding, when in reality we may have agreements with others allowing us to maintain free will if we choose to change our mind.

Wishing you the best days and months ahead, and if for some reason you change your mind, then feel free to message me........xx

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
Thank you Lorna, indeed this is like an onion that must be peeled. From an initial vow came a subsequent series of more vows, contracts, agreements and curses. Our souls are very bureaucratic lol.
If I may say, don't let your conscious mind get all involved in the why's and what fors'. We have the divine right to end things without further indulgence. That is the gift of Creator that we eventually learn. It's called Grace in some religious/spiritual teachings.

This divine grace comes to the devotee when he demonstrates his desire for liberation by sincere constancy in supplication to God. Paramahansa Yogananda

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
I guess that if there is a huge lesson in this is not to fear those lower realms, I would say it is more dangerous what is done in physical and how much negativity we can add to those lower realms through our decisions and intentions.
LOL that is the ENTIRE lesson. There is nothing but the ONE source of ALL THAT IS. We need not fear the 'dark' as it's as much a part of us as the 'light' that we are more comfortable leaning into.

Seems that you have learned the big lesson, now go heal yourself of the means that got you there. lol I have had to learn to walk through the dark and the biggest lesson I learned was that it is my own fears that rebound energetically to work 'against' me. That, I suspect is the real cosmic joke. It breaks your heart wide open and humbles one beyond measure. sigh. Such is the path back home. There is no escape from it.


Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
As I read through the posts, I sense the love and understanding of all the people. Then I step back and see all these lights around the world. It is the most beautiful sight. This love we each carry within us is radiating strong and clear. When we step up to help one we love, we help ourselves and everyone around us, as well. We are like ripples in a pond - ripples of love.


Embracing Mystery, Mostly
Retired Moderator
Jul 30, 2016

I agree with you, Linda, and I love how you expressed your thoughts.

@Karla, we are all wishing you a healing journey with more ease and success. You did not really ask for advice or suggestions, but you received expressions of concern, ways to go forward, and you have been gracious in your listening. We know you will choose to do what is right for you.
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