This dream has a particular place in my heart all on its own as I love the way people gather together within it to empower and beautify their own lives and community. And...
It has a feeling just like I had yesterday while speaking with someone whose recently become a friend and who was describing how some things I and a few others had talked about resonated within his own life and those of a few people he is close to. Then, how he is talking to other people about it and spreading the ideas of what works and is doable. He was describing how the information filtered in as we talked then dribbled into his awareness bit by bit, got filtered, analyzed, tested against known parameters and came at times in chunks at a time, gradually transforming things toward a far healthier balance for him and his loved ones.
He talks about he now has clear markers which let him know if he's out of balance and a clear sense of what to do about it, how it's a process and he's grateful to have the tools and markers. I was amazed to find out what effect our talks had had and how the news is spreading out from him; in some cases it sticks, in others it doesn't. Mostly I was amazed at how this person in front of me had transformed important parts of his perspective and life to find healthier balance in a way that is really impacting him and his circle but also, even more amazing, he has found a way to do this type of work for himself, test it and run with what works best. He's launched! ... toward something I can't quite name; I know it's something fabulous.
Yes, our discussions, sharing and efforts, even the by-the-way comments which come from a place of knowing, they really all do make a difference, whether we realize it or not. It's such a joy to get feedback where our efforts have landed and flourished!
Ive had something similar with someone I met couple years ago, I would tell her stuff which she admitted sounded crazy but she listened and told her daughter, much later she told me she would see or hear something and remark to her daughter that I had said that.
Since then she’s come along in leaps and bounds seeing things so clearly and discovered she is really intuitive and through the bits dribbled by her mum daughter is growing too.
Also a woman who works in the building where I live, although still doing everything to the book, i can see the change in her, shes listening and thinking.
Shows how dropping seeds bear fruit.