Since New Years day Mars has been out of bounds which means being out of the Suns control. This happens to planets now and again and with Mars, Venus and Mercury its more noticeable even than being Rx.
To work out the energies of this add the energies of the planet Uranus to the planet that’s OOB. My formula is Mars + Uranus = Mars OOB.
Some of us were born with Mars OOB such as myself. Apparently many astrologers were, and the more radical scientists , actors or others who do not fit the mold.
There is an unknown wildcard influence added to ones nature but it doesn’t show always and it wont always come out early in life.
I was 21 when I felt it and have ever since but not all the time. But it explained a lot to me and I was grateful to know about it.
I am a pacifist for the most part, was shy as a child, but when someone else is being threatened or when Im in a corner with a bully fronting up it comes out so the "little" me gets fierce by nature and will defend self or others with everything I have.
This time I noticed the energy today in self after a strong trigger so checked the ephemeris after wondering what was going on around me as I have seen a lot of incidents and accidents that wouldnt normally happen including it turns out the explosion outside the hotel in Las Vegas.
So this was in fact having an effect on then and also much earlier on Christmas day onwards as well with accidents an sudden deaths, extreme happenings everywhere. The plane accidents world wide also.
I have not checked yet how long this will be happening but bearing in mind that Mars is backwards right now as well this is a potent force , still in Leo, just, and about to enter Cancer in two days . I have written about Mars representing a world leader and that when he went Rx 6th Dec this would mean a lot going on behind the scenes, and also with armed forces as Mars is the leader of armies and Leo is world leadership so a lot is being settled and dealt with behind the scenes. This is going to affect we the people very soon(Cancer effect) and things will ramp up energy wise on the world scene. However all this is a very good thing long term and has to be dealt.
Individually Mars is sending us all into the past to sort a few things also and some will be kept in low key while Mars is backwards and have delays in what is needed to be achieved but it gives us all a chance to go over old ground as Mars will be repeating aspects by transit for some time yet . He goes direct 23rd Feb so that will be a key date for our collective future.
If you are Aries, Leo or Cancer this will be stronger for you or the opposite signs.
I have pondered a lot on what this means for world leadership too but that involves the sorting out, which Pluto now in Aquarius is dealing with – at this point mainly power struggles between world leaders, digging out the dark stuff and bringing much to the light as we enter the Golden age with a lot of changes to happen in the months ahead.
Back to today and Mars.. Today he is opposing Pluto again as he did at the beginning of Oct, this time at 1 degree Leo and Aquarius which is a clash of powers, the clash of the titans in fact.
So we can expect a few more serious fireworks around this time. Id say some of this has already happened as this is one of the most violent aspects globally and we could expect explosions such as happened in the last few days.
The aspect formed slowly over a few days.There could be more but New Moons act as triggers before an aspect is exact and we just had one.
For the individuals this is more about headbutting with another person and the situation not being easily sorted as its like being between a rock and a hard place.
Arians, Scorpios and Aquarians might notice this more than some!
It IS volatile energy, more so with Mars being extra feisty and no nonsense at this time so we can expect some strong repercussions if there are moves made that are war like in this time frame.
Other news today is a Sun /Jupiter quincunx that does at least show there are ways to work through things , there are solutions to be had with some juggling of resources between the powers that be (Sun). Jupiter shows that someone has our best interests at heart collectively.
Venus helps too by moving into Pisces for 30 days or so bringing more compassion and spiritual understanding, creative solutions too to the mix. Anything is helpful to calm the Mars wrath and competition at this time not to mention knee jerk reactions that could happen.
Pisces will enjoy having some extra love and attention – understanding from others as will Virgos. Romance is in the air for both signs in fact.
And we all can make the most of our intuition and polish up our telepathic skills in the weeks ahead, tune into spirit as Venus in Pisces is a beautiful influence for all especially the creative amongst us- the healers and the psychics . For those of the addictive natures there could be some tests but if you tune into spirit you will get all the help you want.
Taureans and Librans take note of all of that!
Vesta moves to Scorpio so this will mean we become much more aware of our core of divinity within , more depth of thought and understanding that transcends different dimensions . Vesta in this sign makes it easier to strengthen our boundaries for self protection.
There is an element of the unexpected around at present so take lots of care and try not to get involved in clashes that wont go anywhere with people who are stubborn and intense or have bottled stuff waiting to come out.
Seek inner guidance from your higher self and try not to rush in where angels fear to tread unless you have the right army of angels backing you up.
Remember to slow down and breathe!