
  1. Brad

    Article Navigating these Times with Positive Affirmations by Brad Austen

    Positive affirmations can help you navigate these times we are living in, and assist you to feel more positive about life in general. We are constantly bombarded with negativity, that it's not surprising so many of us are feeling anxious or depressed. We all have self-talk, and if you tune into...
  2. Brad

    Article Positive Affirmations for Self-Love & Happiness by Brad Austen

    For many of us, practicing self-love isn’t always something that comes easily as an adult. Whether it’s past abuse or trauma in some form, sometimes we can blame ourselves for our life circumstances. Positive affirmations are one tool that can help, reinforcing positive thoughts and self-belief...
  3. Laron

    The Moderators Helping Consciousness on Earth

    Last night I thought about choosing a sabian symbol for each of the moderators with the following image and intention in mind: I saw the Earth and a crowd of people. I thought of how the individual is helping to influence and help folk and life on the planet. I held that image for 15-30...
  4. Brad

    The Power of Positive Affirmations

    Brad submitted a new article. The Power of Positive Affirmations Positive affirmations are powerful, positive statements that we affirm in the present tense, as if we have what we desire now. They are designed to help magnetize what we desire into our lives. It is important to listen to your...
  5. Stargazer

    A Great Affirmation...

    From, author unknown. With one comment from me, and that is ALL is Love. If anything needs to be "transmuted" , it's simply our limited human viewpoint! :-D<3<3<3