
  1. Laron

    'You passed an unimaginable test'

    By Efficient_Oil_4995 on Reddit: "Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure ever known; even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors. People who are capable of such personality, courage and...
  2. Laron

    Article Doctors & Scientists Speak out about the COVID-19 Hoax: The moment for change is now

    In this video the doctors, scientists and peace activists speak out, explaining that the coronavirus is not as dangerous as it's been made out to be, and as a result, the worldwide restrictions and lockdowns in place have caused far more harm than good. I've known this since much earlier in the...
  3. transients

    Cash And Carry Karma submitted a new article. Cash And Carry Karma By The Happy Wonderer (contributing writer for Thesis: That (a) Money — be it in cash, gold, jewels or a bank — is condensed energy. And (b) Karma can be seen as energetic ‘debt’ — positive or...
  4. Laron

    Self-Proclaimed Truth Czars Create Lists of ‘Fake News’ Sites to Control Your Mind submitted a new article. Self-Proclaimed Truth Czars Create Lists of ‘Fake News’ Sites to Control Your Mind By Dylan Charles, Editor of the Waking Times (16th of November, 2016) One of the greatest takeaways of election 2016 is that mainstream, corporate news...
  5. Vickie

    Australia Becomes First Country To Begin Microchipping Its Public

    This is something we've all been hearing about and now it's become a reality. I can't believe people would think this is a good thing. I can visualize people sitting in a room in front of a monitor controlling our every move with the use of this microchip. Is this the zombie apocalypse? From...
  6. Laron

    Like Tobacco and Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

    laron submitted a new article. Like Tobacco and Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years By Natasha Longo via Prevent Disease, 13 September 2016 Don't you love people that cling to scientific research without ever questioning who sponsored that...
  7. Laron

    From Start to Finish Entire U.S. Presidential Election is Fake

    From The Waking Times: "The US presidential election just keeps getting faker the more it goes on. Yes, it’s bread and circus timeagain in America, but this time around the rulers are putting on an entertainment show which has lost its ability to convince and persuade. It’s just too damn fake...
  8. Laron

    Pokemon Go Psychic reading by Lynn

    Lynn, who I consider a very accurate psychic, just did a reading on the Pokemon Go situation. I re-posted her article on transients just now: Here is a copy and paste as it's short. This fits into what I was picking...