I have an interest in the paranormal, even as it relates to religion. I investigate all avenues for more information to try and understand the big picture. The Bible mentions 3 days of darkness before the Big Change to something more positive, and during this time, it is assumed there there will...
Now, this looks interesting:
Some people on DMT say they meet aliens, demons, and even elves. It’s a common enough experience that Johns Hopkins wants to know more.
The prestigious medical university at Johns Hopkins wants to know if you’ve ever taken so much dimethyltryptamine (DMT) that...
KarlaSM submitted a new transients.info article.
Expanding The View of Starseed Origins And Evolution Of Cosmos
Via Bedtime Stories of the Dark Matter
A starseed network
Cosmic energies bathing Earth and the entire solar system allows for the integration of our soul experiences to be...
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