financial systems

  1. Maryann

    If Six Was Nine, Would You Mind? Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, Nov. 8

    Maryann submitted a new article. If Six Was Nine, Would You Mind? Nine's Path Pleiadian Tarot, Nov. 8 Pleiadian tarot interpreted through the lens of Nine: This week finds us in a new alignment with reality, following the upturning of recent weeks. Are you seeing things from a new perspective...
  2. Lila

    Cryptocurrencies for crystals

    I found the ad below an interesting shift toward cryptocurrencies. It is from a company that sells crystals. Since I have not yet done any 'homework' in this area of knowledge, I hadn't even heard of most of those currencies. Maybe I should get cracking? Also, I love the wordplay in their...