
  1. Tristan

    Guided meditation's, binurial beats, background sounds & mantras

    I thought I would start a thread as an easy access point for any and all meditation type music. I'm curious as to what others tune into or have had progression with during meditation sessions in hope they will contribute. Silent meditation can be difficult sometimes with the many distractions...
  2. transients

    The Science Of Mantras: How Sacred Sounds Heal Body, Mind And Spirit submitted a new article. The Science Of Mantras: How Sacred Sounds Heal Body, Mind And Spirit By Paul Harrison via The Waking Times (May 31, 2017) For more than 3000 years mantras (sacred sounds) have been chanted for the purpose of spiritual healing. During the early period...
  3. Henda

    Opening your chakras with Mantras

    There are mantras known to help opening your chakras. And I sometimes use them: The Root Chakra Muldahara means MULA: Root, Adahara : support or base (red) The sense organ that corresponds to the first chakra is smell Element : Earth Mantra: LAM The Sacral Chakra Svadistana : The dwelling...