
  1. Laron

    How do you avoid over-thinking?

    This comes from the Online Counselling College: https://onlinecounsellingcollege.com/. How to avoid over-thinking: 1. When you feel bogged down and you can’t clear your mind, do something physical or get some exercise. 2. Set a time limit for your “thinking time” then make yourself move on to...
  2. Laron

    Things I Worry About

    Source image: https://www.instagram.com/yeahitschill/ This image says it all. We tend to get stuck in our mind a great deal, and depending on the astrological situation, our mind can create chaos for us. It really does help to train the mind through meditation and being in the now as much as...
  3. Laron

    A Passage From Self-Unfoldment by Disciplines of Realization

    "Man’s internal environment is as yet imperfectly controlled by will and consciousness. It is, therefore, erratic and inconstant. The imperfections of this lower self impede the flow of energy from the spiritual nature. The purpose of self-discipline is to order and reform the lower self that it...
  4. Linda

    Mindful Badge - new training for police

    [(Laron) Thread promoted to the front page. Please continue comments here: https://www.transients.info/2017/07/mindful-badge-meditation-training-police/] I grew up in Dallas, Texas, which is a city of over a million people and spans across 5 counties. What I'm trying to say here is that there...