‘The Discontinuity’: Clif High’s latest Webbot Podcast (2 Viewers)

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QHHT & Past Life Regression
Staff member
Creator of transients.info & The Roundtable
Jul 19, 2016
Nelson, New Zealand
‘The Discontinuity’: Clif High’s latest webbot podcast. (https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/the-discontinuity)

Here’ a summary of his key points from the one hour talk that I just wrote up:

  • Clif’s wife is worsening. He’s not able to be with her because of her location just now and he can’t get a more appropriate house to have her with him.
  • He’s still of the mind to discontinue sharing future forecasts because of the situation with how data is influenced in today’s technological age.
  • Gives the example that there’s no point in saying there will be another assassination attempt next month on trump, and goes into detail on why in relation to his above point.
  • We’re past the ‘M9’ point, the 9th degree up from the top of the obscuring plane of the galactic mass—an angle, M stands for marker #9, and it’s 9 degrees up. (May 8th/9th we passed it).
  • Earth is 100% bathed in these extra energies from the galactic center, from that point forward, for thousands of years (over 10k he says). The only time we are not bathed is when we are in the kali yuga, down lower than M8. Between M8 and M9 degrees, there is an increase in the energies and you notice the changes around you. This is when you’re emerging from the kali yuga.
  • In 10k+ years from now, we come back down from the M9 point.
  • From May this year, 2024, our physical reality is responding to this situation.
  • Coastal currents are not behaving in a normal fashion.
  • It will be 2 years before the rest of the outer planets in our solar system passes the M9 point, but the inner planets have. Clif thinks it’s related to the strange goings on with the water and air currents, but admits that could be manmade (I.e. HARP).
  • Data is describing the discontinuity of the birth paints arriving for Sci-Fi world. Amongst the war, political chaos, mass immigration, which is going to interrupt into connect activity, there’s going to be ‘active kinetic cultural clashing’. It will be very disruptive, upsetting, seriously disrupting to the social order. This will start in September and get a boost around October 8 this year. This will rise in tensions all the way into Spring in the US next year (I have no idea when Spring is there, so I looked it up — March 20-June 20.)
  • This is the birth of the webbot’s ‘Sci-Fi’ world (the discontinuity). It won’t be paradigm shattering initially, but technology is a big thing and UFO and alien information coming out and that will obscure the discontinuity.
  • The tech that will be revealed is so disruptive that it will upset humanity for 20-30 years and this includes legal issues at the beginning. Clif Assumes this is zero point technology.
  • Data describes the tech as ‘lightning eater’. An example is a device that would never allow lightning to happen because it would be constantly consuming the electricity, altering the local environment. So there’s a big impact on the power structure.
  • The frequency changes will cause ringing in the ears, different to tinnitus.
  • ‘A gooses cooked’ Christmas for the US. The power elite have a mind-set change and flee in Dec. This is because their ass is going to be cooked. The creation of local battles on the ground, including fist fights in British parliament.
  • Armed revolution in the UK, Scotland and Ireland around Jan 2025. UK Government fallen to an armed revolution, by force around winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Huge ramifications for Canada (emphasis), Australia and New Zealand. Royal lands redistributed words.
  • From the 7th of December onwards, in the US there’s a lot of fighting and contention activity, but some of these new tech devices show up.
  • He thinks rife and rife technology is really cool, but thinks it’s wonky if you’re trying to use the frequency that Rife put out. (this is the healing technology, I posted a meme once that went viral about this-Laron) Clif goes into detail on why this is so. (This is why energy healing is so beneficial as you are not limited to the technology you’re using-Laron) Clif says the Rife machine will become inadequate because of the changing frequencies.
  • That premise with Rife, means the med beds are in a similar situation he says. (if they are actually real) Clif would discourage the use of these because there’s no way to tell how the introduction of ‘crude energy’ into the human body is going to function long term. There’s nothing in the webbot technology that shows med beds emerging, it’s all about the zero tech.
  • Clif says there’s no AI on this planet that is more than 50% accurate. He explains these systems are basically deep data mining and how they don’t think, make conclusions and if it’s not written down somewhere, they can’t provide it, they are not creative, he says.

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