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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
scorpio new moon.jpg

There is a lot happening astrologically pre Virgo New Moon as Uranus stations to Rx and Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn.
The latter is REALLY important as it’s the last time this Rx will happen, lasting until Oct the 10th but moving back into Aquarius for the last time around the 20th Nov where he will stay until 2044.

This timeframe ahead until Nov will be major for (in some cases) the most important final power struggles in the political world both between world leaders and also within countries. This also is a highly important time for our actual move into the new age known as the Age of Aquarius and also the Golden age in the ancient scriptures in both Western and Eastern belief systems.

This is the final chapter of the patriarchal political system although we all know its going to take longer than that to feel the full effects and get a new system under way without the corruption attached.

Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2044 and his job is to help raise the consciousness of the people so they can see beyond their emotional imprints from childhood that set their thinking patterns , to the greater beyond and that bigger picture. Eyes are being opened and much revealed day by day for those who can see with a clear vision.

I am noting that many of us who do have right motive or think we do including myself at times, succumb to the negative outlook for the future and judge those who have the power to move us into this new world, those who have the understanding of corruption but also have the wealth to fight the real enemy.

People cannot achieve perfection yet in either their personalities or lifestyles or they would not have to stay here as when we become fully conscious in this present system we can only remain on the planet 21 days . (Paramahansa yogananda wrote of this) and his teacher before Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri who was also a man of science . His wisdom was a combination of both spiritual wisdom and science which is something we are all moving towards.

With regard to political figures or anyone else that is here to help with this move. A biblical quote is relevant here. “You will know them by their fruits” (or actions),

A wise very grounded friend and relation of mine said." It doesn't matter about their personalities or whether you like them or not- its their policies that count”.
So the judge, blame and punish mentality of this age passing is still very much in effect.

We are about to get another taste of that big time before Nov. We have had it now for some years in the main TV news channels when Gov took over, that which was drip fed to the public. People BELIEVE what is repeated over and over in front of their eyes . We think if it is "on the news" or written in a newspaper it is truth.

Pluto's movement in Aquarius aligns with the return of certain incarnations to help in this time period above with the adjustments and awareness needed to move into this new age but first there is chaos and a last attempt by the darker powers to thwart the attempts to return to this new age, This happens every time this phase is returned to. We are in this period now even if many do not realise it. It’s a drawn out process .

The other big news today is Uranus which is the actual New Age planet, ruler of Aquarius will station to Rx at 27 degrees Taurus. This Rx happens until the end of January 2025 which interestingly is also a New Moon in Aquarius , the start of the Chinese Lunar New year of the Wood Snake.
Uranus direct at that New Moon is highly auspicious , the first time the direct motion will coincide with the powerful lunar year and Aquarian New Moon. To me this has a meaning of some very real progress being made by this time for this age we are entering.

It’s the second stage of the brand new Feng Shui cycle that began this year that runs for the same length of time as Pluto in Aquarius until 2044.

These are not coincidences! There are other factors that involving great cycles that coincide with these dates.

In the meantime, Uranus Rx gives us a chance globally to sort out much of the economic messes created by corrupt systems and control from the elite, return to a solid backing of precious metals such as Gold as it once was.

Taurus rules all of that and our food and marketing systems, businesses and agriculture, banks too although Capricorn has a lot to do with the latter when it comes to Govs controlling the same .

Uranus of course is about technology, science , A I and digital systems , Crypto currencies which all enter into this equation.

A note for those with strong Uranus transits is that this is a turning point for any of the same especially in regards to Taureans and Aquarians or those with the ascending signs.
This is when you get a change to reassess and make adjustments in the areas of meaning of the aspect itself, we all do.

Uranus has a lot to do with our nervous systems, our anxieties and this high level energy of unusual energy , hard to define, that is reaching us from the movement of our Sun and solar system higher towards the galactic centre. It also affects our own ability to receive inspiration from the source , relates also to the unusual happenings around us.

All this in the energy of tomorrows Virgo New Moon – a new beginning for us all in how we plan and make new strategies for life ahead of us that involves our safety and wellbeing.

This new Moon is charged with the energies of the major planets so we will certainly have a lot of help as we process all around us, enabling us to use this Virgo new beginning to our best advantage,

On the day tomorrow Mars will square Neptune and Mercury will trine Chiron. The latter will be a comfort and give us the wisdom to dig deep for the answers needed which is relevant to the square as it happens in Gemini and Pisces on the anaretic degree again, 29 , bringing that push and shove to make changes in our world to avoid more chaos and war.

This aspect has been known to cause explosions from gas or other inflammable elements, sometimes at sea with Neptune involved .

It suggests an incident with hidden motives, clouded information before or after the event, a lot of secrecy but causing a lot of talk – a lot of intrigue, so the New Moon itself has the power to reveal the truth after the usual analysing and sorting of data , Virgo is famous for.

Id say the New Moon itself will bring an important revealing to our ears and eyes to ponder on.

Apart from that this does seem like a real turning point indeed for many of us due to the nature of the powerful outer planets involved.

Art by Susan Boulet

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