I've been reading more on carageenan and how it's toxic to the body, so I made a page with information about it, including studies. Carageenan causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, GI tumors, and is toxic to kidneys. Given through an IV it killed 67% of dogs. The problem appears to be the degraded carageenan is more toxic, but undegraded carageenan, if used in food, can be turned into undegraded carageenan by stomach acids.
Because carageenan has been known to cause GI inflammation since at least 1982 (IARC) it is given to rats and then anti-inflammatories are tested on these rats. Studies specifically use carageenan to cause inflammation to test anti-inflammatories.
See my page here: https://newearth.miraheze.org/wiki/Carageenan
If you are having stomach problems, stomach pain, like me, it might be caused by carageenan. Each study has links to even more studies and many of the studies are free, or at least the abstracts are free. Most studies have a "Results" section and that's the most important part. For each study listed on that page I tried to include the most important bullet points. At the top of the page I'm making a summary of all studies I find.
Because carageenan has been known to cause GI inflammation since at least 1982 (IARC) it is given to rats and then anti-inflammatories are tested on these rats. Studies specifically use carageenan to cause inflammation to test anti-inflammatories.
See my page here: https://newearth.miraheze.org/wiki/Carageenan
If you are having stomach problems, stomach pain, like me, it might be caused by carageenan. Each study has links to even more studies and many of the studies are free, or at least the abstracts are free. Most studies have a "Results" section and that's the most important part. For each study listed on that page I tried to include the most important bullet points. At the top of the page I'm making a summary of all studies I find.