"Cosmic Navigation" (1 Viewer)

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Collected Consciousness
Retired Moderator
Jul 28, 2016
OK, so here's something I've been thinking about for awhile. I'd like to throw it out there for your consideration--and hear some feedback from all you wise Old Souls!

So, I've given a TON of thought over the last few years to timelines, multiple realities, multiple universes, the power of thought, manifesting, etc., and one of the concepts that's really been "gelling" for me lately has been this one. It's hard to put into words, but I'm believing more and more that we either "create" or "navigate" ourselves to our own future experiences by the thoughts we think, the choices we make, and the actions we take.

I realize that most people would look at that statement and say, "Well, DUH! Of course, we do!" But what I'm really trying to say is that it's far more multi-layered than just taking that statement at face value. Sure, we all plod along in life by default, experiencing things that "the human collective" (and even more importantly, the things "The Posers That Were" want us to experience). We go to school to educate ourselves, we get jobs to sustain ourselves and buy things, we live our lives and then die...but what if there was more we could accomplish and do here in the physical? MUCH more!

What if we could experience ALL the wonderful things we wanted to, and not just the things so many other beings wanted us to?

In Dolores Cannon's work, she often spoke about how every choice we make creates a new "split" in our reality. There's the "default" reality that continues on, just as it is, even if we never thought about the choice. Then there's the "new" reality that's created when we do make a choice, or even THINK about making a choice. For example, if we're living our life in one reality and we suddenly think about buying a new car. In the "default" reality, we might quickly decide not to buy the car and, as we go on, nothing really changes for us. However, just because we thought about buying a new car, a new possibility has emerged--and, according to Dolores, so has an entirely new reality. And in this new reality, a new aspect of our consciousness, splits seamlessly off to experience what your life would be like if you bought a new car.

So let's think about that for a moment. If this concept is true, that means we created an entirely new reality and an entirely new version of ourselves! While we may not be aware of this other reality or universe, our "Higher Self" is. So this new version of ourselves exists right next to us...and each version experiences these choices without our even realizing it.

Now that's some serious "woo" there!


But if you think about it, even "mainstream" science has been recently recognizing the existence of multiple universes and multiple realities. Many of those who have studied metaphysics for far longer than I have always maintained that unlimited, infinite numbers of realities exist--and that any possibility we can think of already exists at the same time. It's just that the tiny little limited spark of consciousness that we see as "ourselves" is experiencing one itty bitty point of reality at this particular moment. I guess it's kind of like the needle on an old 78 RPM vinyl record...all the songs on the record album exist on the record, but we can only experience the music when the needle rests on one little part of it.

But I digress. And I think I have to switch metaphors here.

So. If everything exists all at the same time, maybe we could picture it like a huge bathtub full of bubbles. Each bubble contains a particular "universe" or experience that a soul could have. All the bubbles are squeezed in together, some sharing a common boundary, and some not. If we're placed in a certain "bubble" when we're born, what if we could navigate ourselves (our consciousness) through all these bubbles to experience whatever we wanted to?

Let's say, for example, that we're in a really dark part of the tub behind the shower curtain. We don't really want to stay there in that dark area and we want to experience the part of the tub where the light is brighter instead. How do we get there?

What if all it took was for us to shift our consciousness...to change our way of thinking?
What if we could make things go even faster by having strong intentions?
What if we could go even faster by visualizing ourselves there?
And what if we could ultimately make it there by the actions we took?


The more I think about it and the more I experience of this life, the more certain I am that all of these things are true. I somehow deeply feel that we can shift our consciousness in such a manner...one thought, one intention, one visualization, and one action at a time. I also feel that Nature's cycles and "time" as we experience it, have a great deal to do with it...for since all is energy, our placement in the galaxy, regular cycles of night and day, lunar eclipses, etc., all help move things along. I suspect that, the longer and stronger we hold our intentions and thoughts, the faster we move from reality bubble to reality bubble.

I feel that, the very moment we change our energetic signature (what some may call our frequency or vibration), we start moving our consciousness from its current place, to another "bubble" of reality that is more in alignment with our new energetic signature.

In fact, this kind of movement may even explain the Mandela Effect. If each little "reality bubble" is slightly different from the others, and we're starting to notice lots and lots of things that have suddenly changed for us, then perhaps it has been US that has been changing! Perhaps WE have been the ones who have been shifting ourselves into much different reality bubbles than we once started out in...so much so that we're actually SEEING the differences!

So. Enough of a rant.

Does any of this make sense to you too? What do y'all think?

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Involved Wayfarer
Jul 28, 2016
"The mind is the builder." To borrow a quote from E.C. Well, we have the power of co-creation, so we can help steer our 'bubble' outside the curtain through our will alone. Things become true when we believe in them, until we know with certainty of them, then eventually they will manifest. As before we see things pan out in our reality, they must first be created in those higher realms. The more we focus on those things and work towards those things, the closer that new world comes into existence. In Conciousness & Free Will lies great power to change everything.

Bringing together our mind with our soul with our body. Our different kinds of bodies coming into alignment will bring that harmony, a quicker path down towards the bubble we seek. A straight path to the world we wish to create. Without doubt, we come a little closer. Knowing and working, a little closer.
Then, we shall arrive at our destination.
This is the life we live. :kiss:s <3s

Lorna Wilson

Roaming Contributor
Retired Global Moderator
Aug 4, 2016
"The mind is the builder."
Whoops, that's a Cayce quote. 'The Spirit is the Life, The Mind is the Builder, and the Physical is the Result', . - Edgar Cayce
What if all it took was for us to shift our consciousness...to change our way of thinking?
What if we could make things go even faster by having strong intentions?
What if we could go even faster by visualizing ourselves there?
And what if we could ultimately make it there by the actions we took?
We can and we do that even now, we just don't realise that we are constantly creating all of our existence.
If each little "reality bubble" is slightly different from the others, and we're starting to notice lots and lots of things that have suddenly changed for us, then perhaps it has been US that has been changing! Perhaps WE have been the ones who have been shifting ourselves into much different reality bubbles than we once started out in...so much so that we're actually SEEING the differences!
We can see this now through the use of our memories of events. What the event originally was becomes a different reality by all those sharing it as they live their perception of it. So as far as I can determine, our perception is the stimulus to the realities that we 'inhabit' or believe to be real.


Collected Consciousness
Staff member
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Global Moderator
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Jul 28, 2016
Makes sense to me.
Need to experiment with it a bit more in the 'woo' sense you seem to have focused on above.

Having said that I'll make the argument that all of us have experienced this routinely. Question was, how often were we aware of it? Bring your attention to any aspect of your life and see how things change... in ways they wouldn't have/hadn't until your focus changed. In medicine, you could say that the placebo (and nocebo) effects are beautiful examples of this effect.

If you ever wanted to test this, a fun one to do in a crowd is to stop and stare at something and watch the entire crowd shift around you. I once did this inadvertently (a plaque on the ground had caught my attention so I stopped to read it) and then watched in amazement as person after person in sequence stopped to look at that spot. The entire movement of the large crowd shifted around this new spot of focus and slowed. I've no idea if the other folks even saw the plaque. I've done it intentionally a few times since and even demonstrated it to my kids for fun. Stopping to look up at rooftops works great (probably stopping to look at strange lights in the sky would work great too, lol!).

Another fun party trick that I did inadvertently initially was to pause the conversation to comment on something thoughtfully that had nothing to do with the previous conversation. For me it's usually something in the natural world around me that I find beautiful and that I tend to get lost in. The emotion gets carried and the entire mood shifts, as well as the conversation and attention. Cool conversations usually result <3

I read about a psychology experiment where folks who'd reacted negatively to a series of picture cards (pictures of people who shared a certain aspect) would have a much more positive reaction if just one aspect of the experiment was changed: before being shown the pics of people with the shared aspect, the subjects were asked to consider 'What flavour of ice cream do you think is this person's favourite?' The psychologists concluded that by personalizing the folks in the pics with the thought of their favourite ice cream flavour the picture-folks had become more 'us' than 'them' in the minds of the subjects, thus making their reactions more positive.
This is my favourite tool for recommending to kids who are likely to witness bullying (probably any given kid at some point!). The takeaway is that, when that moment comes that the witnesses of the developing incident are deciding whether to react in fear to go along with the bully, or to take the chance of siding with the victim, somebody could just come up with some kind of 'favourite flavour of ice cream' type of question or comment. Maybe they'd yell out 'Hey, I heard you like Gryffindors better than Slytherins' to the victim (thus garnering the victim immediate friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) or perhaps they'd quietly comment how 'everyone wears those crazy xxx sneakers nowadays' that the victim is wearing (thus reminding the kids of something benign they have in common and perhaps giving them a reason to laugh together). In the last example, a sly kid might even make a slightly disparaging comment about the sneakers in question being, say, a funny colour; this would still have the effect of pointing out what they have in common, might make everyone even more likely to laugh, and, done cleverly, might even give the bully an 'out' that was socially acceptable... that is, the bully, too, could now choose to back off and just laugh at the funny coloured sneakers, thus bringing even the bully into the new 'togetherness'.

Another practical little example: Athletes who visualize successfully completing their event beforehand have greater success than those who don't.

I know these are rather pedestrian examples and ones with little far-reaching effect. However, if you extend any of these experiments in your head to be more sustained intentions and visualizations (perhaps applied to more complex scenarios), I think you could very readily get to a more impressive and more 'woo' result. After all, you can entrain a crowd to do an action they never would have thought to do a moment before (e.g. stopping to stare at a plaque). You can take a conversation to a completely different place. You can shift the mood of a group with a question or offer an individual the opportunity to change their assumptions about someone. You can obtain a better result in a physical event by visualizing it.
Sooooo...what if you had a conviction and you did similar things in a sustained manner; talking your talk, walking your walk... wouldn't you be very likely to start to shift the way the folks around you thought, talked and acted? Isn't that similar to changing consciousness?

Haven't we all done this before, in bigger or smaller ways?

Wow, you really got me going on that one!

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