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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
New Moon susan.jpg

Just a catch up before the next New Moon in Scorpio which will happen on the 1st Nov.

The degree will be 9 35 with a very positive aspect of Mercury in Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces.

A few of us may be thinking our dreams are coming true especially Pisceans, Virgos, Geminis and Scorpios…

The day after has Mercury trine Mars so again it’s the last three signs that will be influenced strongly along with Cancerians and Aries as well, (although everyone will be, near the New Moon) .

Mars in the anaretic degree of 29 degrees will be on a mission with an urgent need to succeed.
These aspects herald a new beginning for Scorpio born people which will happen just before Mercury moves to Sagittarius, which is just before Mars moves to Leo which is a heap of "fire" energy all at once !

When Mercury moves into Sag, the world will be praying for the a "right outcome" for the greater good, as its about the higher mind.
( people will have their own take on what this is but I am using this like "right motive" in the Buddhist sense as its in the hands of the Gods anyway)

However, around Mid Nov the Taurus Full Moon is going to bring out all sorts of feelings in people, blame, will be one of them and betrayal another – abandonment definitely. So that’s in the danger zone for a while before the peak time happens and Saturn moves direct , saving the day, of the perigee Full Moon accompanied by Sun opposing Uranus which could bring a massive shock for some people.

But then structure returns in part at least via Saturn direct, bringing order to the chaos in the months ahead… I don’t think it will be that simple but we can only hope.

In the meantime before that auspicious new beginning coming in on the 1st Nov, world wide, lets look at today.

The Moon is in Virgo so helpful Virgo energies rule even if they are a little picky and hung up on details with some criticism thrown in.

It’s the Balsamic Moon phase beginning which is NOT a favorable time for beginning something new but it IS favorable for closure, putting something behind us, for endings in general.
And it IS a time for tying up loose ends which is what politicians in USA may be trying to do .
Also one state in Aust is just closing off an election.

The Keywords for the Moon phase match up for politics as “preparation” comes into this but also closure and surrender. “Incubation” is another. So there is the unknown amongst all of this.

There are no really major planetary aspects today , only a quincunx of Neptune and Juno which is a little tricky regarding the past but its not too dramatic. Venus is quintile Vesta , a sign that feelings are not too over the top and promoting confidence.

The Sun is quintile Ceres in Capricorn which compels people to “do the right thing” , and not to make too many waves.

Moving into tomorrow it gets a little more intense with Black Moon Lilith conjunct the south Node. This is a destiny matter where fate takes a hand and it mightn’t be very nice at all as if something nasty comes out of the wood work. This happens in Libra, which is political. But that’s happening already so what could get worse? Propaganda at its worst most likely.

I don’t think Lillith and the Node is an event although thats hard to say as its very underhanded , maybe too much so to manifest into real danger, but its still a bit of a crunch time.
Mars will trine Neptune Cancer to Pisces which is a special kind of magic and to me means “right action” although fire does meet water and there are always some unusual reactions with this on energetic levels.

Its a big positive for a natural flow of creativity and some push and shove going the way of the signs mentioned. For Arians its kind of nice, calming really, and definitely a “healing” energy for all.

Venus in Sagittarius which I hadn’t mentioned in my writing as yet is meaning adventurous love in action without commitment at this time until 12th Nov, lots of social interaction and time in the outdoors or at events with loved ones, only Venus today is dampened down a lot as Saturn from Pisces throws a square angle her way. (Talk about fire and water!)

This could mean facing a few responsibilities so isn’t so this could affect Taureans and Librans, Sagittarian types of people OR Capricorns , Pisces too.

It might be time to pause to work out what is holding us back at this time. Maybe its time to take a day out from the craziness around us. A good day to nurture self no matter what our birth sign, unless you are on a spiritual mission of some kind.

The following day will be an Apogee Moon in Libra so that’s a bit auspicious at that time, being near to two annual celebrations in the world.

This is the furthest from the Earth Moon, which when near a Full or New Moon can bring Earth events in focused areas depending which country the Moon is over at that time. There is a greater gravitational force then.

That takes us to the 31st when the next major aspect happens which is Mercury opposing Uranus the day before the New Moon and I am thinking this means the New Moon itself will have something unexpected crop up after all.
Or the day before.

Mercury will be in 25 55 Scorpio when s/he is exactly opposite to Uranus in Taurus. This is shock news in itself , something we hadn’t expected to hear so it might hit the media any time on the 31st or just after on the New Moon.

Virgos Geminis, Scorpios and Taureans , also Aquarians will feel the shock effect most strongly but its one of the many aspects of the year that is quite global so will influence many of us.

How we handle the unusual or surprise news will be up to us.

This is actually at the time of Beltane on my side of the world and Samhain or Halloween elsewhere.

The veil between the heavens and Earth become thinner so that’s quite exciting, with more vivid dreams or astral experiences likely, plus other unusual mulita dimensional happenings.
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