Don't Cancel Sense8 | Netflix Axe's The Wachowski Sisters Series (1 Viewer)

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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Linda submitted a new article.

Don't Cancel Sense8 | Netflix Axe's The Wachowski Sisters Series
Having recently dumped cable movie channels and embracing Roku and Netflix, I was hooked on Sense8 after 3 episodes. Yesterday, I read that it has been cancelled. Presumably some folks sitting in a board room far removed from the “regular people” who watch Netflix programming decided the cost of production and low viewership warranted cancellation.

This program reaches across the boundaries that exist in the world now. I do understand that it must be very expensive to produce with 8 different locations spread across our world. Yet, isn’t this far-flung camaraderie reflective of our lives right now? With the internet and through this website, I have friends around the globe, and I mean that literally. I am the better for this, too. I am aware of how other people live, and we are joined...
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
I just checked in on the Netflix FB page and the comments under the different posts read Renew Sense8 and point to a new FB page about renewing the series and links to a petition. There is a petition with almost 250,000 signatures that started in Buenos Aires. Also, several of the posts are in other languages. I don't think I've seen anything like this before.
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