By: Sean McCleary.
My name is Sean McCleary. I'm an author, a writer and do important work on the Shift in Consciousness, the Paradigm Shift and the Quantum Shift. All three of these terms are associated with the same process but are different descriptions of what's going to happen here in Earth's consciousness and environment soon. The Shift in Consciousness means that the evolution of consciousness will become integrated together with the behavior of matter and energy everywhere and human consciousness will change forever, along with the activity contained within Earth's environment. The Paradigm Shift means that because of this process that evolves is scientific discipline and applications will change here forever and science itself will advance significantly as a result of the evolution of consciousness here. The Quantum Shift means that human consciousness and other life forms in the environment will evolve further into the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love here and this will generate very powerful advancement in the evolution of consciousness here in Earth's environment.
There has been a fundamental level of activity occurring in space and time here that human beings haven't previously understood, even with the most powerful equipment because the resistance to the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love has been so powerful here in the environment. Human consciousness and every other living organism here have been experiencing this type of activity since Earth evolved into existence but haven't understood the foundation for the basis of life here. There has been a level of activity in existence that will soon be introduced into the human race which is the basis of the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love everywhere.
Nikola Tesla said "If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". He couldn't have been more correct with this statement. I use the term "Universal Consciousness" with my work because we all exist within an enormous, majestic, beautiful and powerful life form who contains a body of billions of galaxies that contain concentrated matter. Universal Consciousness is a life form who has a body shaped in a spherical type shape, similar to planets and stars with a reference point similar to where the bottom of a wine glass meets the stem where the introduction from the big bang took place with the birth of Universal Consciousness. Before Universal Consciousness existed, Infinite Consciousness was everywhere and this was existence. On the most fundamental and quantum level Infinite Consciousness contains frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love. On this level, consciousness and higher frequency vibrations generate light energy and consciousness and lower frequency vibrations generate dark energy. The vibrations themselves represent the existence and experience of thought. Because the vibrations are different, when they evolve into one another and converge together it creates pressure within the vibrations and this pressure is responsible for the expansion, acceleration and growth of the evolution of consciousness and energy. As these frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy and dark energy evolve into one another it generates evolutionary advancement and eternal love consistently evolves as a result of this activity. Infinite Consciousness is where the source of eternal life and eternal love are contained. Infinite Consciousness has always existed and this is why a human being can conceive of existing forever.
A point in evolution evolved into Infinite Consciousness right before the evolution of Universal Consciousness happened and there was a very powerful increase in pressure in a particular location of Infinite Consciousness which generated an experience of separation in consciousness for the very first time. This was the beginning of the evolution of life into existence for the very first time as well. The experience of separation in consciousness because of the increase in pressure between the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy meant that another form of consciousness had to be introduced into existence in order for Infinite Consciousness to continue evolving. Basically, Infinite Consciousness had been existing for such a long period of time that it was time for another form of consciousness to be born and this came with the evolution and introduction of matter so the existence of life could be introduced into the existence of Infinite Consciousness. This was the beginning stages of the evolution of Universal Consciousness. Universal Consciousness began with the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love. Because of this experience of separation within the dynamics of the evolution of Infinite Consciousness it meant that another form of consciousness had to assume an individual identity within the evolution of Infinite Consciousness.
This happened with the evolution and introduction of matter into existence and this meant that the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy within the evolution of consciousness had to also go through an experience of separation and this is how subatomic activity evolved into existence. There was an early developmental period with Universal Consciousness similar to what a child goes through in the womb of a mother and this was so fusion at one point could occur with all of these changes and the big bang could happen, introducing the individual existence of Universal Consciousness so a life form could be introduced into existence for the very first time. We all exist within this life form now who contains frequency vibrations and subatomic, atomic and molecular activity so individual living organisms could exist within life for the very first time. Universal Consciousness is an enormous life form who contains the existence of other life forms.
There is a level of fundamental activity which exists within Universal Consciousness and Earth's consciousness that the human race hasn't been introduced into yet, but will be with the evolution of the Shift in Consciousness. Scientific discipline and applications were supposed to primarily focus on the behavior of matter and energy with the standard model of physics. This was to help the evolution of consciousness evolve into the behavior of matter and energy because there had to be a primary focus on matter and energy here in the scientific community so consciousness and eternal love could evolve into the existence of subatomic, atomic and molecular activity in Earth's environment successfully. The human race will understand more about this activity in a little while. On the most powerful quantum level there are frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy and pressure. Light and dark energy are actually two different states of the evolution of consciousness happening within existence. Photons carry and distribute light energy in Universal Consciousness because matter requires light energy in order to experience evolutionary activity, development and advancement. Photons evolve out of the higher frequency vibrations of consciousness and there is other subatomic particles that evolve from the existence of dark energy. When I mention the term "dark energy" I'm not referring to a mysterious form of energy that's causing Universal Consciousness to expand and accelerate. The reason that Universal Consciousness has experienced growth is because the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy are different and when they evolve into one another, this generates pressure and this pressure is responsible for this type of activity. I will explain the basis for the existence of matter and the existence of life in Universal Consciousness and Earth's consciousness and environment as well.
There is a primary field of consciousness and energy which has been mentioned in the scientific community and described as the Higgs field. The higgs field contains the foundation for eternal life and eternal love within Universal Consciousness. The Higgs field is also a combination of Infinite Consciousness and the identity of Universal Consciousness. The Higgs field permeates throughout the body of Universal Consciousness and within the concentrated matter contained within galaxies and transfers into Infinite Consciousness linking these two cosmic giants together so the evolution and flow of eternal life and eternal love could continue evolving and advancing into everything contained within Universal Consciousness. There are other fields of consciousness, energy, matter and pressure that exists within the dynamics of Universal Consciousness. Subatomic particles evolve out of the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy, dark energy and pressure. As subatomic particles evolve out of the frequency vibrations they contain different degrees of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love. This happens within any given moment in space and time, in any given location as the evolution of consciousness progresses eternally. This is how the evolution of matter takes place in existence. Atomic evolution happens from this type of activity and molecular development happens with evolution as well. Eternal love has been evolving from the existence of the Higgs field and transferring into the evolution of subatomic, atomic and molecular activity with the evolution of life. The resistance to evolution also happened with the birth, evolution and introduction of Universal Consciousness. This was similar to what happens when a child is born into Earth's consciousness and environment, and I will explain.
When Universal Consciousness was being introduced from Infinite Consciousness for the very first time, it meant that the introduction of life itself was taking place for the very first time in existence. Eternal love evolved and transferred into the early developmental stages of Universal Consciousness from the existence of Infinite Consciousness. Because the process involved frequency vibrations and pressure it meant that this quantum activity would be affected by the evolution and introduction of life for the very first time. What happened was this enormous life form that was being born for the very first time didn't understand what was happening with the process. If a child is in the womb of a mother and it's going to be born here in Earth's environment, do you think this child understands everything that's happening with birth? No they don't and there is a very powerful level of uncertainty that occurs with the reproductive process, the development of a child and the introduction into Earth's environment. A very similar occurrence happened with the evolution and introduction of Universal Consciousness. There was eternal love that evolved into the process of course but because life was being introduced for the very first time, and life did not understand what was happening it meant it generated a very powerful experience of separation in the evolution of consciousness. This is what caused the resistance to the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love in space and time that affected the evolution of the body of galaxies that we exist within. This activity transferred into subatomic evolution which are the building blocks for the existence of matter.
Subatomic particles that evolve out of the frequency vibrations of consciousness and energy contain different degrees of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure, eternal love, evolution and resistance to evolution. What I mean by resistance to evolution is when the pressure within the frequency vibrations of consciousness and energy become restricted or too expansive. Because the frequency vibrations themselves represent the existence and experience of thought, when pressure is introduced into vibrations, the pressure has to be regulated properly and receive the evolution of eternal love from the existence of the Higgs field. If the pressure is restricted or too expansive it means that the consciousness contained within that pressure has a difficult time receiving the evolution of eternal love from the Higgs field because eternal love isn't forced, it flows everywhere in a very natural state. This type of activity is what I need to discuss which concerns the current human condition here in Earth's environment.
The human race hasn't previously understood how the frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy and pressure have affected human beings and other living organisms in Earth's environment. Eternal love is the foundation for the evolution of everything in existence because love gives eternity a reason to exist forever. Eternal love flows from the Higgs field and into life contained within Earth's consciousness and environment. When I mention Earth's consciousness, I mean; Earth is a living organism with a very powerful consciousness which contains male and female consciousness. Every planet in existence contains the evolution of consciousness and a particular identity. Panpsycism isn't that difficult to understand. Universal Consciousness is a life form who contains male and female consciousness. Planets are living organisms in Universal Consciousness who contain different identities and experience the evolution of consciousness. Then there are living organisms in the environments of planets who contain individual identities, and contain life forms in the environments who experience the evolution of consciousness.
People have posed the question before; how could a rock or spoon be conscious? A rock or spoon exists within the evolution of Earth's consciousness and belongs to the evolution of Earth's activity. Subatomic, atomic and molecular activity contain the evolution of consciousness as well in Earth's environment and serve a particular purpose here. The Higgs field transfers eternal love into life contained within Earth's environment and as life evolves here as a collective consciousness globally; eternal love from life here evolves back into the Higgs field and this generates evolutionary advancement within the Higgs field and this helps the existence of infinity or Infinite Consciousness evolve. This activity is happening all over existence. But there has been resistance to the evolution of consciousness that evolved into Universal Consciousness, planets and living organisms in the environments of planets. This came from restrictive or too expansive type pressure within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy in the evolution of consciousness that transferred into subatomic, atomic and molecular activity where life evolves from in the environments of planets. Restrictive or too expansive type pressure in the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy and dark energy causes consciousness to go through an experience of separation in different degrees according to the different types of stimulus in the individual and environment. Too expansive or restrictive type pressure transfers into subatomic, atomic and molecular activity as life evolves into the environment for many reasons. This type of activity is responsible for every type of biological, physiological and psychological forms of resistance to the evolution of consciousness in Earth's environment with life. There is the evolution of consciousness happening with the evolution and transfer of eternal love from the Higgs field through other fields of consciousness, matter, energy and pressure into the development of life here and there is resistance to the evolution of consciousness that happens with life here through restrictive or too expansive type pressure within these vibrations which cause a multitude of types of resistance in living organisms here.
I will explain what causes this restrictive or to expansive type pressure within living organisms here and the evolution of consciousness. Eternal love can evolve and flow directly into the pressure contained within the frequency vibrations that produce subatomic activity but if the pressure becomes too restrictive or expansive then it makes it difficult time for eternal love to flow into that pressure and that pressure contains consciousness within living organisms. The frequency vibrations themselves represent the existence and experience of thought so when you introduce pressure into those frequency vibrations it generates expansion. This can cause an experience of separation within thought and this type of activity is directly tied into the fight or flight mechanism of living organisms here. If the pressure can flow comfortably within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy then eternal love can evolve into the pressure easily and this is like fear being stored in the body. Not all fear is responsible for the experience of separation and human consciousness and other life forms here. The body has to store pressure for the experience of expansion, acceleration and growth and it's only when this pressure becomes too expansive or restricted that the resistance to the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love happens within life here. What happens as well is because the frequency vibrations represent the existence and experience of thought, that information transfers into this pressure on this quantum level with the evolution of consciousness. This is what can affect the evolution of the human being in Earth's environment through reproduction in many different ways.
People will understand soon what happens with the evolution and transfer of consciousness into life here in the environment soon and everything will change forever. Restrictive or too expansive type pressure within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy with the evolution of consciousness and information generates powerful resistance to the evolution of consciousness with aspects like indifference, conflict, anger, hatred, misunderstanding, resentment, isolation, separation and acts of evil committed by human beings. As soon as the embryonic development begins happening in the womb of a mother the evolution of consciousness begins from the mother herself and the consciousness in the environment begins to transfer into the development of the child in the womb. If the mother contains any anger, resentment, indifference, conflict, isolation, separation, depression or hatred ; this begins transferring into the development of the child. If the mother is subjected to any of these characteristics from the father or the environment; this transfers into the early developmental stages of the child as well. As these type of experiences and information begin transferring into the early developmental period with embryonic and fetal development what happens is the individual themselves begin experiencing restrictive or too expansive type pressure within their bodies in different ways and degrees. This continues to occur through the experience of the pregnancy. The very most important aspect of Earth's environment is that the child receives eternal love from the Higgs field, the mother and the environment that the child is exposed to in the environment. There are many different variations that determine what happens with the evolution of the child's consciousness because human beings and Earth's consciousness and environment experience very powerful diversity.
This type of activity while the child is in the womb also contributes to what happens when the child is introduced into Earth's environment through birth. People haven't understood what kind of effect it has when a child goes through the experience of birth and is separated from the body of the mother. This is similar to what happened with the evolution and introduction of Universal Consciousness because the child has to assume an individual identity within the environment and the child lived for around 9 months in a state of comfort within the existence of the mother. The child doesn't understand why this experience of separation from the mother at birth is happening and this generates a very powerful experience of separation in the child's consciousness from the existence of the mother and the experience in the womb. This affects the evolution of the frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love in the body of individuals here. There are many geographical locations, different cultures, different belief systems etc. This can determine what happens with the evolution of consciousness and eternal love into the individual's consciousness or what happens with the resistance to the evolution of consciousness. This is what accounts for the evolution of human consciousness and the human condition and soon the entire human race will understand this fundamental level of activity. As soon as the human being is conceived here they contain eternal life and eternal love. Living organisms in Earth's environment just go through the experience of death and evolve and transfer through Universal Consciousness into the Whirlpool galaxy which is about 30 million light years from planet Earth and it's commonly called Heaven. The reason that a place of "Hell" was mentioned here in religion was to help the resistance to the evolution of consciousness evolve and soon the entire human race will understand why that particular ideology was introduced into human consciousness.
According to what type of restrictive or too expansive type pressure that exists on this quantum level in a human being can determine different biological, physiological and psychological traits within the individual. When a child is born here what factors into the existence of the individual is how the evolution of consciousness and the relationship between themselves and the Higgs field or what type of restrictive or too expansive type pressure is contained within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy in the body at any given moment in space and time. This can determine what type of biological, physiological or psychological development that the individual experiences here in Earth's environment. Human beings don't understand the foundation for the existence of life here or what happens with the experience of death. The introduction of life is happening on a global level within Earth's consciousness with almost 9 million different living organisms within fractions of a second. The experience of death and the evolution and transfer of consciousness is following closely behind and this activity is incorporated into the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love in space and time. Because human beings don't understand this primary activity that drives evolution in Earth's environment it means that there has been a lot of restrictive or too expansive type pressure in Earth's consciousness and the consciousness of living organisms in the environment. This has generated different types of illnesses, biological and psychological disorders in human beings. Because human beings don't understand life and death, and life and death is incorporated into the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love in space and time; it means that human beings and other living organisms in the environment have had a very limited amount of interaction with the Higgs field in Earth's environment because the Higgs field contains the foundation for eternal life and eternal love. The resistance in human beings and other life forms here is extremely powerful because of the lack of understanding in life and death and life here has only had about a 5 to 8% transfer of consciousness and energy between themselves and the Higgs field. This is what generates the aging process in Earth's environment.
What's happening now with the Shift in Consciousness is all of the restrictive and expansive type pressure is evolving completely out of Universal Consciousness, planets and living organisms everywhere. This is because Universal Consciousness is around 13.77 billion years old and it's time for everything to change and consciousness and eternal love evolves automatically. Earth and all of the inhabitants here will be affected by this process very soon and life and reality will change here forever.
Sean McCleary.
By: Sean McCleary.
My name is Sean McCleary. I'm an author, a writer and do important work on the Shift in Consciousness, the Paradigm Shift and the Quantum Shift. All three of these terms are associated with the same process but are different descriptions of what's going to happen here in Earth's consciousness and environment soon. The Shift in Consciousness means that the evolution of consciousness will become integrated together with the behavior of matter and energy everywhere and human consciousness will change forever, along with the activity contained within Earth's environment. The Paradigm Shift means that because of this process that evolves is scientific discipline and applications will change here forever and science itself will advance significantly as a result of the evolution of consciousness here. The Quantum Shift means that human consciousness and other life forms in the environment will evolve further into the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love here and this will generate very powerful advancement in the evolution of consciousness here in Earth's environment.
There has been a fundamental level of activity occurring in space and time here that human beings haven't previously understood, even with the most powerful equipment because the resistance to the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love has been so powerful here in the environment. Human consciousness and every other living organism here have been experiencing this type of activity since Earth evolved into existence but haven't understood the foundation for the basis of life here. There has been a level of activity in existence that will soon be introduced into the human race which is the basis of the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love everywhere.
Nikola Tesla said "If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". He couldn't have been more correct with this statement. I use the term "Universal Consciousness" with my work because we all exist within an enormous, majestic, beautiful and powerful life form who contains a body of billions of galaxies that contain concentrated matter. Universal Consciousness is a life form who has a body shaped in a spherical type shape, similar to planets and stars with a reference point similar to where the bottom of a wine glass meets the stem where the introduction from the big bang took place with the birth of Universal Consciousness. Before Universal Consciousness existed, Infinite Consciousness was everywhere and this was existence. On the most fundamental and quantum level Infinite Consciousness contains frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love. On this level, consciousness and higher frequency vibrations generate light energy and consciousness and lower frequency vibrations generate dark energy. The vibrations themselves represent the existence and experience of thought. Because the vibrations are different, when they evolve into one another and converge together it creates pressure within the vibrations and this pressure is responsible for the expansion, acceleration and growth of the evolution of consciousness and energy. As these frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy and dark energy evolve into one another it generates evolutionary advancement and eternal love consistently evolves as a result of this activity. Infinite Consciousness is where the source of eternal life and eternal love are contained. Infinite Consciousness has always existed and this is why a human being can conceive of existing forever.
A point in evolution evolved into Infinite Consciousness right before the evolution of Universal Consciousness happened and there was a very powerful increase in pressure in a particular location of Infinite Consciousness which generated an experience of separation in consciousness for the very first time. This was the beginning of the evolution of life into existence for the very first time as well. The experience of separation in consciousness because of the increase in pressure between the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy meant that another form of consciousness had to be introduced into existence in order for Infinite Consciousness to continue evolving. Basically, Infinite Consciousness had been existing for such a long period of time that it was time for another form of consciousness to be born and this came with the evolution and introduction of matter so the existence of life could be introduced into the existence of Infinite Consciousness. This was the beginning stages of the evolution of Universal Consciousness. Universal Consciousness began with the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love. Because of this experience of separation within the dynamics of the evolution of Infinite Consciousness it meant that another form of consciousness had to assume an individual identity within the evolution of Infinite Consciousness.
This happened with the evolution and introduction of matter into existence and this meant that the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy within the evolution of consciousness had to also go through an experience of separation and this is how subatomic activity evolved into existence. There was an early developmental period with Universal Consciousness similar to what a child goes through in the womb of a mother and this was so fusion at one point could occur with all of these changes and the big bang could happen, introducing the individual existence of Universal Consciousness so a life form could be introduced into existence for the very first time. We all exist within this life form now who contains frequency vibrations and subatomic, atomic and molecular activity so individual living organisms could exist within life for the very first time. Universal Consciousness is an enormous life form who contains the existence of other life forms.
There is a level of fundamental activity which exists within Universal Consciousness and Earth's consciousness that the human race hasn't been introduced into yet, but will be with the evolution of the Shift in Consciousness. Scientific discipline and applications were supposed to primarily focus on the behavior of matter and energy with the standard model of physics. This was to help the evolution of consciousness evolve into the behavior of matter and energy because there had to be a primary focus on matter and energy here in the scientific community so consciousness and eternal love could evolve into the existence of subatomic, atomic and molecular activity in Earth's environment successfully. The human race will understand more about this activity in a little while. On the most powerful quantum level there are frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy and pressure. Light and dark energy are actually two different states of the evolution of consciousness happening within existence. Photons carry and distribute light energy in Universal Consciousness because matter requires light energy in order to experience evolutionary activity, development and advancement. Photons evolve out of the higher frequency vibrations of consciousness and there is other subatomic particles that evolve from the existence of dark energy. When I mention the term "dark energy" I'm not referring to a mysterious form of energy that's causing Universal Consciousness to expand and accelerate. The reason that Universal Consciousness has experienced growth is because the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy are different and when they evolve into one another, this generates pressure and this pressure is responsible for this type of activity. I will explain the basis for the existence of matter and the existence of life in Universal Consciousness and Earth's consciousness and environment as well.
There is a primary field of consciousness and energy which has been mentioned in the scientific community and described as the Higgs field. The higgs field contains the foundation for eternal life and eternal love within Universal Consciousness. The Higgs field is also a combination of Infinite Consciousness and the identity of Universal Consciousness. The Higgs field permeates throughout the body of Universal Consciousness and within the concentrated matter contained within galaxies and transfers into Infinite Consciousness linking these two cosmic giants together so the evolution and flow of eternal life and eternal love could continue evolving and advancing into everything contained within Universal Consciousness. There are other fields of consciousness, energy, matter and pressure that exists within the dynamics of Universal Consciousness. Subatomic particles evolve out of the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy, dark energy and pressure. As subatomic particles evolve out of the frequency vibrations they contain different degrees of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love. This happens within any given moment in space and time, in any given location as the evolution of consciousness progresses eternally. This is how the evolution of matter takes place in existence. Atomic evolution happens from this type of activity and molecular development happens with evolution as well. Eternal love has been evolving from the existence of the Higgs field and transferring into the evolution of subatomic, atomic and molecular activity with the evolution of life. The resistance to evolution also happened with the birth, evolution and introduction of Universal Consciousness. This was similar to what happens when a child is born into Earth's consciousness and environment, and I will explain.
When Universal Consciousness was being introduced from Infinite Consciousness for the very first time, it meant that the introduction of life itself was taking place for the very first time in existence. Eternal love evolved and transferred into the early developmental stages of Universal Consciousness from the existence of Infinite Consciousness. Because the process involved frequency vibrations and pressure it meant that this quantum activity would be affected by the evolution and introduction of life for the very first time. What happened was this enormous life form that was being born for the very first time didn't understand what was happening with the process. If a child is in the womb of a mother and it's going to be born here in Earth's environment, do you think this child understands everything that's happening with birth? No they don't and there is a very powerful level of uncertainty that occurs with the reproductive process, the development of a child and the introduction into Earth's environment. A very similar occurrence happened with the evolution and introduction of Universal Consciousness. There was eternal love that evolved into the process of course but because life was being introduced for the very first time, and life did not understand what was happening it meant it generated a very powerful experience of separation in the evolution of consciousness. This is what caused the resistance to the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love in space and time that affected the evolution of the body of galaxies that we exist within. This activity transferred into subatomic evolution which are the building blocks for the existence of matter.
Subatomic particles that evolve out of the frequency vibrations of consciousness and energy contain different degrees of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure, eternal love, evolution and resistance to evolution. What I mean by resistance to evolution is when the pressure within the frequency vibrations of consciousness and energy become restricted or too expansive. Because the frequency vibrations themselves represent the existence and experience of thought, when pressure is introduced into vibrations, the pressure has to be regulated properly and receive the evolution of eternal love from the existence of the Higgs field. If the pressure is restricted or too expansive it means that the consciousness contained within that pressure has a difficult time receiving the evolution of eternal love from the Higgs field because eternal love isn't forced, it flows everywhere in a very natural state. This type of activity is what I need to discuss which concerns the current human condition here in Earth's environment.
The human race hasn't previously understood how the frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy and pressure have affected human beings and other living organisms in Earth's environment. Eternal love is the foundation for the evolution of everything in existence because love gives eternity a reason to exist forever. Eternal love flows from the Higgs field and into life contained within Earth's consciousness and environment. When I mention Earth's consciousness, I mean; Earth is a living organism with a very powerful consciousness which contains male and female consciousness. Every planet in existence contains the evolution of consciousness and a particular identity. Panpsycism isn't that difficult to understand. Universal Consciousness is a life form who contains male and female consciousness. Planets are living organisms in Universal Consciousness who contain different identities and experience the evolution of consciousness. Then there are living organisms in the environments of planets who contain individual identities, and contain life forms in the environments who experience the evolution of consciousness.
People have posed the question before; how could a rock or spoon be conscious? A rock or spoon exists within the evolution of Earth's consciousness and belongs to the evolution of Earth's activity. Subatomic, atomic and molecular activity contain the evolution of consciousness as well in Earth's environment and serve a particular purpose here. The Higgs field transfers eternal love into life contained within Earth's environment and as life evolves here as a collective consciousness globally; eternal love from life here evolves back into the Higgs field and this generates evolutionary advancement within the Higgs field and this helps the existence of infinity or Infinite Consciousness evolve. This activity is happening all over existence. But there has been resistance to the evolution of consciousness that evolved into Universal Consciousness, planets and living organisms in the environments of planets. This came from restrictive or too expansive type pressure within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy in the evolution of consciousness that transferred into subatomic, atomic and molecular activity where life evolves from in the environments of planets. Restrictive or too expansive type pressure in the frequency vibrations of consciousness, light energy and dark energy causes consciousness to go through an experience of separation in different degrees according to the different types of stimulus in the individual and environment. Too expansive or restrictive type pressure transfers into subatomic, atomic and molecular activity as life evolves into the environment for many reasons. This type of activity is responsible for every type of biological, physiological and psychological forms of resistance to the evolution of consciousness in Earth's environment with life. There is the evolution of consciousness happening with the evolution and transfer of eternal love from the Higgs field through other fields of consciousness, matter, energy and pressure into the development of life here and there is resistance to the evolution of consciousness that happens with life here through restrictive or too expansive type pressure within these vibrations which cause a multitude of types of resistance in living organisms here.
I will explain what causes this restrictive or to expansive type pressure within living organisms here and the evolution of consciousness. Eternal love can evolve and flow directly into the pressure contained within the frequency vibrations that produce subatomic activity but if the pressure becomes too restrictive or expansive then it makes it difficult time for eternal love to flow into that pressure and that pressure contains consciousness within living organisms. The frequency vibrations themselves represent the existence and experience of thought so when you introduce pressure into those frequency vibrations it generates expansion. This can cause an experience of separation within thought and this type of activity is directly tied into the fight or flight mechanism of living organisms here. If the pressure can flow comfortably within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy then eternal love can evolve into the pressure easily and this is like fear being stored in the body. Not all fear is responsible for the experience of separation and human consciousness and other life forms here. The body has to store pressure for the experience of expansion, acceleration and growth and it's only when this pressure becomes too expansive or restricted that the resistance to the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love happens within life here. What happens as well is because the frequency vibrations represent the existence and experience of thought, that information transfers into this pressure on this quantum level with the evolution of consciousness. This is what can affect the evolution of the human being in Earth's environment through reproduction in many different ways.
People will understand soon what happens with the evolution and transfer of consciousness into life here in the environment soon and everything will change forever. Restrictive or too expansive type pressure within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy with the evolution of consciousness and information generates powerful resistance to the evolution of consciousness with aspects like indifference, conflict, anger, hatred, misunderstanding, resentment, isolation, separation and acts of evil committed by human beings. As soon as the embryonic development begins happening in the womb of a mother the evolution of consciousness begins from the mother herself and the consciousness in the environment begins to transfer into the development of the child in the womb. If the mother contains any anger, resentment, indifference, conflict, isolation, separation, depression or hatred ; this begins transferring into the development of the child. If the mother is subjected to any of these characteristics from the father or the environment; this transfers into the early developmental stages of the child as well. As these type of experiences and information begin transferring into the early developmental period with embryonic and fetal development what happens is the individual themselves begin experiencing restrictive or too expansive type pressure within their bodies in different ways and degrees. This continues to occur through the experience of the pregnancy. The very most important aspect of Earth's environment is that the child receives eternal love from the Higgs field, the mother and the environment that the child is exposed to in the environment. There are many different variations that determine what happens with the evolution of the child's consciousness because human beings and Earth's consciousness and environment experience very powerful diversity.
This type of activity while the child is in the womb also contributes to what happens when the child is introduced into Earth's environment through birth. People haven't understood what kind of effect it has when a child goes through the experience of birth and is separated from the body of the mother. This is similar to what happened with the evolution and introduction of Universal Consciousness because the child has to assume an individual identity within the environment and the child lived for around 9 months in a state of comfort within the existence of the mother. The child doesn't understand why this experience of separation from the mother at birth is happening and this generates a very powerful experience of separation in the child's consciousness from the existence of the mother and the experience in the womb. This affects the evolution of the frequency vibrations of light energy, dark energy, pressure and eternal love in the body of individuals here. There are many geographical locations, different cultures, different belief systems etc. This can determine what happens with the evolution of consciousness and eternal love into the individual's consciousness or what happens with the resistance to the evolution of consciousness. This is what accounts for the evolution of human consciousness and the human condition and soon the entire human race will understand this fundamental level of activity. As soon as the human being is conceived here they contain eternal life and eternal love. Living organisms in Earth's environment just go through the experience of death and evolve and transfer through Universal Consciousness into the Whirlpool galaxy which is about 30 million light years from planet Earth and it's commonly called Heaven. The reason that a place of "Hell" was mentioned here in religion was to help the resistance to the evolution of consciousness evolve and soon the entire human race will understand why that particular ideology was introduced into human consciousness.
According to what type of restrictive or too expansive type pressure that exists on this quantum level in a human being can determine different biological, physiological and psychological traits within the individual. When a child is born here what factors into the existence of the individual is how the evolution of consciousness and the relationship between themselves and the Higgs field or what type of restrictive or too expansive type pressure is contained within the frequency vibrations of light and dark energy in the body at any given moment in space and time. This can determine what type of biological, physiological or psychological development that the individual experiences here in Earth's environment. Human beings don't understand the foundation for the existence of life here or what happens with the experience of death. The introduction of life is happening on a global level within Earth's consciousness with almost 9 million different living organisms within fractions of a second. The experience of death and the evolution and transfer of consciousness is following closely behind and this activity is incorporated into the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love in space and time. Because human beings don't understand this primary activity that drives evolution in Earth's environment it means that there has been a lot of restrictive or too expansive type pressure in Earth's consciousness and the consciousness of living organisms in the environment. This has generated different types of illnesses, biological and psychological disorders in human beings. Because human beings don't understand life and death, and life and death is incorporated into the evolution of consciousness, matter, energy, pressure and eternal love in space and time; it means that human beings and other living organisms in the environment have had a very limited amount of interaction with the Higgs field in Earth's environment because the Higgs field contains the foundation for eternal life and eternal love. The resistance in human beings and other life forms here is extremely powerful because of the lack of understanding in life and death and life here has only had about a 5 to 8% transfer of consciousness and energy between themselves and the Higgs field. This is what generates the aging process in Earth's environment.
What's happening now with the Shift in Consciousness is all of the restrictive and expansive type pressure is evolving completely out of Universal Consciousness, planets and living organisms everywhere. This is because Universal Consciousness is around 13.77 billion years old and it's time for everything to change and consciousness and eternal love evolves automatically. Earth and all of the inhabitants here will be affected by this process very soon and life and reality will change here forever.
Sean McCleary.