Extremely Vivid Lucid Dreams All of a Sudden (1 Viewer)

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Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 28, 2018
Florida, USA
I was adamently told to try to remember half of this. It was a bunch of lucid dreams.

First, I recall these two beings standing behind me, but I always talked to one, don't even remember really the second one. This one had a scary aura, whenver I talked to it I felt afraid, and it was male. Everytime I stepped into its aura I was afraid, and felt taken over and overpowered.
He r*ped me multiple times, let's just make it simple.
I remember a sort of internment camp, that was kind of patches of plain with grass, stormy skies, and bordered by those common metal fences you see. I rememeber being rushed in their by other kids my age, one was even smiling for some reason. I was completely lucid for all of this. I have never had a lucid dream in probably a year or more, and I never remembered this much, or experienced so much. I remember the kids working with me, we were doing something. I have no idea what, I feel like this may have been blurred out from our experience so we weren't alarmed. I was aware (or sensed) or saw, that a female presence was overseeing this entire space whereever in the dreamstates/astral world this occured. I remember I was walked / half flying over the corner of the internment camp place, along the side of the fences to the left, which became wooden sometimes and you werent able to see through. I rememebr flying over or leaping up onto a lookout area ahead. I don't know what I did there. Maybe get r*ped again. I remember going back to the entrance of this place, and I remember meeting the person who had the scary aura on the way back, and he was then r*ping me. I saw him, he was like a giant barbarian but he felt very tall, slightly fat but not really, thick brown hair, big brown beard, maybe he had a club or big stick/staff. I can feel him smile at me now in an malicious way, I am sickened by it. He was slightly alien, or maybe he was just another kind of creature found in earth somewhere, maybe among the negative fae, I have no clue. I've met strange creatures before who exist in other dimensions on this earth that look unusual.

Then after I left that dream, I sort of woke. No, oh my god, I remember something bigger, before what I just told you. I was in a spirit council in the spirit world somewhere, with a great number of spirits all having a tense discussion about something. I was floating, present for it, in the middle of it. I heard a strong male voice from somewhere to my left, upper levels. They may have had the council about me (I will get into that later...) and they may have been all consciously monitoring my thoughts as I was lucid for this. (My thoughts tend to veer into destructive/chaotic things/actions against my will. I don't know why). When I eventually had a intrusive chaotic thought pop up, I remember maybe I was woken up because I wasn't allowed to be there anymore. I don't know.

But anyway, that was before I went to this internment type camp for young adults and teenagers like myself.

When I woke up from the internment camp, I went back to sleep into another lucid dream right away, I didn't really even wake up from the previous one actually I don't think. I immedietly was taken to another space, it was a blank, plain space in front of my eyes, but I could tell, I don't know, like I was looking into the eyes of someone powerful, and I automatically knew it was the god Zeus and he was communicating to me not in words but it was like claircognitive communication, through knowings. It was a quick exchange, and powerful. I was then taken to a space of his own, it looked greek to be honest, but maybe not, I can't really tell. I was guided by an invisible someone, maybe it was Zeus, into going under this river running it's course down a hill, and to sleep. I woke up quickly, feeling completly cleaned and renewed but my thoughts still same, troubling. But we were going somewhere else, I could tell he was strongly concerned. (Over the months of march and since a lot of gods have come to me, like Poseidon, Apollo, maybe Sekhmet, Anubis. I never communicated with them, but I appreciated them making themselves known to me that they were there for me). My view shifted and we were all (I was suddenly aware of a bunch of souls with me, along with Zeus in the front) back at the entrance to the internment camp, which was sort of just like a box cut out of nothingness into this space of somethingness. It was practical, not aesthetically pleasing really, just plain and purposeful... whatever that purpose was... I have a feeling it was just.. not good.

We were all at the entrance, and Zeus was at the front, at first we could see noone, it was empty, but when he shifted the whole place in this space through the entrance, like it was spun on an axel to another side of it, their was activity, people there, I don't know who, hidden intentionally I think, definitely the ones running it. Then, we were behind the corner of the entrance to one of the grass patches, and there was as male at a wooden table inside of this grass patch, we were all behind the fence of it, looking in. I don;'t think he noticed us at first. Then suddenly, Zeus rushed in through there. He seemed to have taken charge and gone in first, the rest of the souls followed but not right at his heels. One who was right next to me, not yet moving, asked me or told me something. I don't know what it was. He seemed simply happy in a sort of naive? way, maybe I shouldn't say that. Learning, we are all learning. Zeus was concerned for the teenagers and young adults who were being put to work here, but he was not concerned for his safety in that he couldnt handle himself. He seemed confident and fearless, or rather that there was nothing to fear in this situation for him at all. Or maybe he had worked through fear altogethor and was fearless as as soul. It wouldn't surprise me, being a god and all. But after that soul next to me spoke to me, I said sort of without meaning to, "I don't want to be here." and left. Then I woke up, immediately, remembering all of it. A fae voice said, "Remember half of it." adament to me, but I had immediately before that gotten a vision of a music album, assumably to listen to, and I didn't feel like typing it all down yet. I felt lazy, or maybe just too tired. I went on Etsy though, to look for a Zeus statue, I thought maybe remembering Zeus throughout all that would be enough.

I just, this was right out of bed so I apologize for the rapid and maybe uncomprehendable sentences I may have written. I just have never experienced anything so vivid and something that felt so profound. It was my first time having a lucid dream and I was experiencing the world of the astral planes on earth for the first time. Like I said, I haven't had a lucid dream in maybe a year? Or more? It's just crazy. Now an explosion of this activity, and it's not very great, I am just glad it ended well. My interpretations may have been incorrect about some terms, I am currently reading Dolores Cannons book and she explains that earth is seperated in the astral dimension by three levels there. The lower, middle and upper astral. I felt like the spirit council was in the upper astral plane, and whatever was happening with the internment camps, honestly I dont know, it just felt like it was hidden in its own sort of pocket of space. I assumed it was astral because I assumed thats where dreams take place? I do not know. People always say you go somewhere while you are sleeping... I guess I realize that now. Jesus.
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 28, 2016
For the first part (the interment camp) I am reminded of the power of taking advantage of a lucid dream to "change the ending" which I've gradually (after playing with this for years) decided may correlate w successfully changing an early subconscious belief system. Laron wrote a post once about changing the ending of a tusnami dream which I found really helpful to start + play with. I've found that, when I can change the ending to a dream (sometimes this happens w ease, sometimes it takes a bit more trial + error and often the changed ending surprise me; I always like them) this seems to come with a beneficial change in my life. Something always seems to happen more easily, better, more fun, etc.

Regarding the council lucid dream part. Yup. I can recall a really powerful one that I've always wished I recall in full as I only recall the end, along with the amazing 'oomph' of energy that came with it (a person who was with me at the time, doing energy work on me, asked me as I came awake "Do you do this often" as I asked her "What was that!?!?!?").

For the third part... when I read:
He seemed confident and fearless, or rather that there was nothing to fear in this situation for him at all.
I wondered if Zeus here represents a part of you who is confident, fearless and has nothing to fear in any situation.
Hoping some of this 'lands' for you:-D If it doesn't, 'oh well:D With much <3
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Sweetheart of the Rodeo
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Jul 20, 2016
Recently, we had a death in the family - not unexpected, as he had lived a long life. However, what transpired next was unexpected - the disclosure of family secrets - some call it generational issues/curses. For me, it was an emotional gut punch. I mention this because I believe many people may be experiencing these issues. Perhaps some of the dream has a reference point to distant experiences that continue to be played out.

I agree with Lila about changing a dream ending. Sometimes I wake up, think nope, not having that, and go back to sleep with another ending. Also, agree with Zeus representing an aspect of you that is available.

Also, I've been in a council session much as you described - part of me was Linda here and another felt like a part of me that I named Sky Linda.


Involved Wayfarer
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Dec 28, 2018
Florida, USA
While I was dreaming, I was waking up in intervals and when this would happen, I was aware that I was in this alternate state of attitude or state of mind, that was as if it was unearthed to the surface of my self, it was an aspect of my self where I wanted to be overpowered, controlled and to have horrible things happen to me. It's as if it is a part the ongoing issue of how my conscious mind works in terms of having intrusive thoughts where I want to have horrific things happen to me and others, even though the rational part of my mind is completely against that and only wants peace,etc. I still am not totally clear where this part inside of me comes from or what it is about. But, I would keep falling asleep with that same attitude/state of mind and more bad stuff would happen and I just wouldn't recognize that this isn't me, what I would want at all.

Zeus could have represented an aspect of me that I saw in my self, that is true. I've not thought that before, really. I've had many names of different deities appear to me in psychic visions in the past months, and I have always wondered about the nature of gods and what they are, my assumption thus far, coming from a channeler on youtube who at least appears to be very discerning about detecting trickster energy when she channels, and protects her energy from that, so I can say I trust her to a degree at least insofar as I've received synchronicities/messages that resonate with me and my life through her words, even words she doesn't mean to relay through as messages. She describes when connecting with gods being able to 'be' in their energy clairsentiently, once describing being held by Isis's energy, etc. etc. in a very positive way, so my point being is that my assumption has been that they are higher multi-dimensional beings of love and light who are here to assist us. I don't really know what gods are because I've never experienced connecting with one like how the youtube channeler describes experiencing it, but, and maybe I am misinterpreting, but this dream just didn't feel like a regular dream. Like, I am aware that dreams are interpreted as symbolic, and .. of course they are. But it just did not feel symbolic to me, it felt like I had gone somewhere real in some part of the astral or wherever, I don't know. Again, maybe I am misinterpreting something here. Where do we go when we dream, is maybe what I am trying to get at and ask. This soul that I saw as Zeus felt like a real soul I was connecting with. I wouldn't say they felt like a 'god' or a powerful being that was highly evolved, I don't know what that feels like anyway, but maybe they toned down their energy in a way that was unalarming and not overwhelming to me.

And the people I described who were floating into the camp with me, felt like real souls, and were around my age. I have no idea if they were as lucid as I was in the dream, as one was actually smiling and I don't think I would smile if I were in this place. They had all of us do something with energy I think, when we were in the grass spaces protected by various kinds of common fences that served as protection from outsiders trying to look in or just energetically pick up on what was going on inside them, and they, the other souls were digging into the ground in shallow holes, but I felt that it had to do something with energy, and that it wasn't good.

Either way, my mind didn't (consciously at least) change the ending of the dream to a better one. Where I was in the blank space, it felt like I was in the presence of another soul who had guided me to this space, and I felt like I knew instantly that it was Zeus and we were communicating claircognitively, through knowings in our mind, very fast. I know the belief that we shouldn't rely on other people/beings as our saviors, we have to be our own saviors, and I am clear on that regard so I hope it didn't look like I assumed Zeus to be my savior figure to call on, instead of recognizing actively that I am my savior and can save myself. In the instance of this dream/adventure in some sort of realm (I don't really know), however it felt like this being that I observed as Zeus through a knowing, some aspect of them intervened after I left the experience of the 'internment camp' and then stopped what was happening there because truthfully, I felt that I wasn't going to be able to do anything about it in my current state of mind that I described above, where I felt that I wanted to be overpowered and controlled, so maybe this soul, Zeus, out of their own free will stepped in in some way and intervened on the behalf of souls who maybe did not even remember the dreams of that internment camp experience that we shared at all. That is at least how it felt and came across to me when I experienced it.

So even though yes, he did serve as savior figure, what was brought to light to me as well was a lesson in how I treat my soul, and in taking back my power, I believe. I was motivated to write about it and I ended up with a whole internal analysis of this part of me that wanted to be controlled/overpowered, and I wrote many affirmations down to help change this belief in me, along with messages from my spirit guides.

I am new to dreaming lucidly or remembering dreams at all, as I've not had much interest in them really. I can say that this experience of that dream probably changes that a bit. You don't have to answer any of the questions I poised here, just my thoughts/musings about it.

Thank you Lila and Linda for your feedback. :tsgn I think after that dream, if ever any more dreams like that come about where I am so lucid, I will definitely think about changing the dream to a positive outcome like you say, if something negative is going on in it.

Thank you for reading :)
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