Some people have mentioned that they hear someone in the room at
46:50 saying "this feminine energy here" before the viewer says those same words. It is true that this happens at this moment in the video, but it is not nefarious. All of our viewers do their work solo on paper before going to video. Our advanced viewers continue their sessions on video without anyone in the room. But our newer viewers are still learning how to do their work on video. We use our Time Cross projects as training platforms for our newer viewers. The newer viewers join the more experienced viewers and we seek to raise the presentational skills of the newer viewers in the process. In this instance, the viewer had already done a few takes of this part of her session, and she sometimes used some words on video that were not compatible with the paper sessions, and this needed to be corrected. There was no monitor in the room who was leading the session, but there was a production specialist in the room who was checking to see that the video conformed to the paper sessions in terms of low-level descriptions of the perceptions. More experience makes this unnecessary. But in this instance, the viewer is relatively new to using video with remote viewing, and still in training in terms of video presentations. The production quality of all of our videos is really quite high, and this is not accomplished by magic. It takes a LOT of training to get the viewers up to this level of presentational capability. For example, we are expecting to introduce a completely new viewer on video next month (June), and that viewer will have a production specialist in the room helping to assist in the elements of video presentation. There will be no leading of content. But the specialist will be telling the viewer how to stand, where to look, etc., as well as making sure that the video presentation conforms to the sessions on paper. Again, this is not leading. But it is a professionalizing process in terms of video production. In the current video, PrinCess makes the first presentation. She is very experienced with video production involving remote viewing. When her session was recorded, there was absolutely no person in the room, and she had to text us using her cell phone when it was "safe" for us to re-enter the recording environment. That is the goal for all viewers. But again, PrinCess has been doing this for years, and her level of professionalism in video presentation is superb. We aim for all of our viewers to be able to do this. Again, this is not leading with the newer viewers, but it is checking all the production elements to make sure everything is done correctly. And again, the paper sessions are done solo, so we must ensure that the content of the video sessions closely matches the content of the paper sessions while simultaneously training our viewers to make their video presentations as engaging as they are accurate.