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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

Leo FUll Moon for the new age.jpg

The Full Moon will be just after Midnight in Australia on the 13th and 2 53 AM in NZ so in other parts of the world it will be on the 12th such as UK , USA , Canada.

The Sun has been with Mercury in te last few days which should have enlightened us all but due to the power of the Moon thats a little warped around the edges I have found as the Moon is also out of bounds – out of the suns control AND a pending Mercury square Uranus tomorrow , followed by Sun square Uranus on the Full Moon day in two days time.
This makes for some fairly extreme actions and thoughts which can result in all sorts of complexities .

Staying c a l m is important on any Full Moon approach but this one has some rough edges to it.

So both Uranus aspects are already in effect due to the Full Moon power, with things quite unpredictable to say the least and reactions from people are more random and touchy than usual.

On the other hand some of the communication glitches might lead to some of us getting out of a rut and doing something that could be really helpful long term . Thinking “outside the box” can be a very good thing as can taking a chance or having a chance thrust upon us .

Sun squaring Uranus is like the “Tower” card in Tarot . It can be disaster like actually being struck by lightning , being cut off from others suddenly by circumstance, OR bitten by a large carpenter ant which has happened a lot to me in the last year and happened five mins ago making me dive for the baking soda for a paste to put on it, OR even more scary sitting up and taking notice of our own actions thoughts and feelings or motives, as this aspect can definitely cause some unexpected breakthroughs.

So as we prepare to celebrate the Leo Full Moon which after all is about "we the sovereign beings" of this good Earth, we also have to navigate some chaotic ongoing effects of planets and energies from new parts of the galaxy which continue to shake us all up .

One of the people who will and is featuring in this Full Moon effect and random acts of extreme leadership is our friend( or not) d j t r u m p which I try to disguise when writing of him, as a colleague of mine got banned from FB for much less than mentioning his name, and I that astute, talented astrologer very much. He knows who he is and hopefully will read this so he is reminded I miss him.

But back to D J T, he has the Leo ascending sign with Mars there nearby and the Full Moon falls pretty close to HIS Mars and Asc, but it trines his Moon in Sag so its not all bad for him but it IS a turning point in his leadership. How that pans out remains to be seen.

The Full Moon also sextiles his Sun and Node but squares his MC so that’s his status, so its still the love/hate effect. There may be more threats to his person near this Full Moon.

The first aspect of Mercury / Uranus today as I post this will bring unexpected global news although everything is unexpected now so it shouldn’t be too different. This one falls at about 22 degrees Aquarius and Taurus and the following day Sun/Uranus is 23 degrees of both signs with the Full Moon degree being 24 06 following.

Even though there is no Perigee Moon there could be a world event that is for these times more unusual that ever. Aquarius rules the outer reaches of space, mountains – aviation and you would have noticed already a large number of air accidents in the last month.
Uranus and Aquarius is about lightning too, electricity and we had a death from that in the last week here in Aust. It is a common thing here in fact as our lightning storms are fierce and always have been. Lightning begins bush fires so the bush can propagate. Some of the seeds here are rock hard and only split through fire. It is part of nature.

So we are celebrating the very core- the very heart of our planet in the coming days with all its power to sustain life which includes we on it containing all the joys and sorrows, foibles too of being human.

Leos can celebrate a great turning point for the year which involves finally reaching a time of great change and acceptance of the same whether it’s a career or relationship factor, a move of house or country, a family event , or a health matter. They will enter another phase of their lives now and see a reflection through others as the Sun passes through their solar 7th house.

Aquarians will be doing similar only they have the upper hand with the Sun in their sign for another week or so but its still a turning point of the year for some of the harder relationship and personal stuff they might have gone through…

Leo Ascending signs and Aquarian Asc sign both are strongly affected by this powerful Full Moon.

Having the signs on MC and IC will also bring a crisis of sorts.

And remember its ALWAYS before- sometimes just after that the Full Moon is at its strongest. Usually the Moon energy is ebbing even on the exact day but sometimes it will turn round and bite us the next day. When Uranus is involved , anything can happen and probably will.

Full Moons mean fluid content of the body increases so we pee more as a rule. Aches and pains can reach a peak but symptoms that are easy to see or feel can be healed quicker.
Leo is about the rich and famous so we are bound to hear dramas about them as well.

Apart from a few stings and cuts , a sore back that lasted a day which is nothing really I am doing ok so far. Leo covers my place of death, endings and new beginnings, sharing with others, money or love.

Leo rules upper back, heart too, our vitality, and Aquarius rules ankles, lower legs, ankles, nervous system or some parts of it.

The veil is thinner between the worlds at this time of month so lets enjoy this special magic Moon time when spirit is closer to the Earth, to make contact with those we love who now reside there, or our higher self which is the part of us thats always in those higher realms.

The same with the things of nature as it is a time of seeing more of the beauty and mystery of life around us, despite the surprises or wake up calls that may be in store for us.

Art by Susan Boulet

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