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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Full Moon art.jpg

This Full Moon is exact now as I am writing this early morning on Australia’s East Coast on a still cold winter morning.

This Moon falls at 27 degrees 15 so anyone with planets or points around this degree in the fixed signs will no doubt feel it more than others.

Those with the signs of Leo or Aquarius ascending will also be highly aware of this powerful Perigee Full Moon.

I wrote about the planetary lead up in my last post so wont go over that, but the main thing today is the strong aspect of Sun squaring Uranus which still has the power to bring about some major changes in many lives.

There has already been a lot of radical happenings in the world and also individually during this time, a few miraculous as I have noted.
However there is a real wildcard effect around at present and many have wondered what's happening. To me its obvious !

As well as the aspects , Mercury Rx and more there are continual solar flares, many of the effects largely unknown.
The new rays from the Galactic centre to our Sun are as yet not fully understood but will become more so as the collective consciousness becomes aware of the same. They will change us!
They are changing us right now!
The Full Moon exacerbates everything.

I've also noticed people having some breakthroughs in their spiritual lives, some messages that will bear fruit for healing self and/or others. I've had a few haling discoveries myself despite a Full Moon cold that began a few days ago.
I DID see tensions in some Leo people and also those with Leo or Aquarius ascending but positive happenings too.

The Solar flares continue, and there have been some big EQS with big possibilities of more in the coming 2 or 3 days.

The Perigee Moon will happen in just over 24 hours when the Moon is in Pisces so incidents at sea are very possible including extreme weather.

This is the main Full Moon of the year that relates to this amazing transformational time we are in as we enter an era of rising consciousness for mankind, even if it doesn’t appear to many that this is happening.

This is a day to celebrate being human and having chosen to be part of this changeover to the new world ahead even though it may seem chaotic and impossible to work through this stage of power struggles and all that goes with that, the hatred, blame and judgement. need to punish as well, as egos become more refined, less abrasive or/and self-righteous.
No human soul is evil. We are all equal on the soul level. The mind and the programming may be deemed evil but that is from being human and from karma, all part of the greater plan as it all has to balance out.

This “play” of life is a planned scenario that we all chose to take part in and those who have leaned to the side of evil have had a purpose so we can see the areas that are still needed to be worked on, so we can rectify mistakes as we strive more to evolve together.

Many are now leaving the planet in early deaths through illness or choice as the world population drops quite dramatically in these times.

We are moving into a future where lives will be extended more with the new medical technology on our doorsteps, and a time approaching where telepathy will be the norm.

Can you imagine being about to read each others minds and auras? This will become a natural part of our lives.

There is a lot to contemplate on as we are shocked out of our former lives and into a new better way of life in the months, years ahead as we will be helping to make the right choices as to what is best for our collective futures and what must be left by the wayside.

This Aquarian Full Moon is much more than it appears to the majority. It a Full Moon that is promising major changes after chaos.
It is every single one of us that will be part of those changes.

Art by Susan Boulet.

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