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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

The Gemini full moon will be exact in NZ time at 10 16 PM, but is at its strongest effect already.
It falls at 4 degrees 54 so almost 5 degrees Gemini.

Gemini of courses rules communication, arms- hands too and lungs, respiratory system, the band of the body round around the heart area, and parts of the nervous system.
As an example I have an afflicted Gemini in my birth chart ruling my 6th house of health, work and wellbeing. I have noticed my hands , thumb joints and tendons were very sore on awakening this morning but massaging with castor oil has eased it.

There HAS been a lot of communication and information coming my way but so far there has been no strong effect on my nervous system stress wise and in fact the opposite as stress has been eased a lot by really positive interaction… (Why this is for those that have had unusual or similar positives I will explain soon)
I DO have my birth North node in Gemini so perhaps that has something to do with my positives as well as a more exciting possibility.

The Full Moon IS squaring my Sun however and its not over yet but for myself so far apart from a very emotional week leading up it with some "reality bites" moments mostly things are going quite smoothly.

Even the NZ political news is much more positive than for a very long time , after reading the Coalition Agreements between the three main parties involved. There is hope for the world yet with regard to various countries not having to be ruled by the one set of rules in the sustainable living a g e n d a which most of us know by now is not working so well in its impracticable extremism.

When we look at a Full Moon we note the main aspects around it ,days before or after, as these daily transit effects get drawn into the Full Moon energies more so with mutable signs quite likely.

The main thing is that Geminis are at a turning point in their goals and aspirations- health , relationships and all that is important in their lives. And for the rest of us that would be relating to the house Gemini covers by equal house in their birthcharts (IMO) but no doubt there are many who use intercepted houses and will be looking at that. It could be a bit of both in fact as a sign always covers some of the adjoining house as well or mostly.

For instance mine is in some of my fifth house of children where this Full Moon degree in fact falls in my birth chart.

One of the influences affecting this Moon will be yesterdays powerful Mars square to Saturn aspect which is like being between a rock and a hard place. This happened at about 0 58 or 1 degree Pisces to Sagittarius. For individuals it all depends on the relationship those planets have in their birth charts and in mine they are conjunct in Cancer 7th house and its true I had a strong but positive interaction yesterday that fits the aspect.

Others could experience this transit generally as a kind of passive aggressive influence or someone who runs hot and cold to deal with, but more than likely manifesting through to today or even tomorrow. This can be about having someone with a stubborn will to interact with or having an authority to deal with, a difficult contract to negotiate. Its as if something will try to inhibit a flow of energy or action you want to take. It can put blocks in our path but the good news is that the Full Moon will clear that.

So that energy is still around. Capricorns, Arians, Pisces and Sagittarians will feel it strongly but any of us could.

Today Venus is quincunx to Uranus at 24 degrees Libra to Taurus which is not a negative aspect as Venus rules both signs but using different energies in each so this is an aspect of different motives and different ways of problem solving being sorted out which I am definitely seeing politically here as new rules are being announced and assimilated affecting businesses and education, daily living .

The good thing about this aspect is it leaves a lot of room for improvement and the use of fresh ideas . There is a lot of change and “newness” with the aspect.

Romantically, relationship wise it can also bring changes and adjustments , maybe feelings of isolation but not entirely so the acceptance of change is important. Librans and Taureans, Aquarians too will be noticing some of this. Again it can influence any of us.

The 40 degree novile of Venus and Ceres certainly helps negotiations in political areas as well as personally.

Tomorrows square of Ceres to Saturn comes into the Full Moon energies also, from Pisces to Sagittarius. This one does bring out sensitivities , a need to be very careful to take into consideration peoples individual needs and sensitivities before finalising any long term agreements. Saturn in a square aspect will mostly block what is needed to happen until a certain time.. “Time is of the essence” comes to mind.

So we have that around as well and I do advise people not to make a decision on or leading up to a Full Moon unless the ground work as been done nearer the previous New Moon.
I will mention the main aspect that is two days away as its important at this time we are in and it may have something to do with why for some of us life is running smoothly at this lunation despite some ups and downs .

Mercury will be conjunct the Galactic centre in two days at 27 Sagittarius. If we can tap into any of this influence NOW we will be blessed indeed and Im wondering if some of us have. It feels like it to me .

Our solar system spirals around the centre of our home galaxy the Milky Way, taking approximately 240 million years to complete one orbit. We sit about 30 light years from the centre, between two arms of the galaxy. To view the Galactic Centre we look through the Sagittarius arm which contains a great number of cosmic players, stars, pulsars etc, justifying the enormous amount of energy available in the signs Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. This is important to know.

Mercury conjunct the Galactic Centre reminds us that this is a source of infinite information which is always available for downloading into the human body/mind. The input is futuristic in content and intense in application.

At this time and in the days ahead space needs to be cleared in our mental and emotional bodies to accommodate the new data, which may not be understood or applied until six months to a year later although I must admit now in this New Age which is coming fast this is happening more quickly that ever before.

Generally time is needed to let go of outmoded beliefs and ideas and to update our knowledge and wisdom but these downloads are coming now anyway and some of it is being available almost immediately causing a bit of a shock to the system now and again.

Whenever this info is incoming stay well grounded, focusing on the root chakra to anchor the input.

It's heady stuff, stirring up the higher chakras and electrical nervous system of the body, creating possible overwhelm or burnout.

Recording insights and impressions for later reference is recommended. Understanding and inspiration as to how the information can be creatively used comes later.

We can expect Geminis and Virgos to be the first to note this plus Sagittarians but this is for everyone and anyone can get these downloads.

I find this a very exciting time!
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