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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

I hope it IS a happy Full Moon for all of you although I have heard some not so happy stories in the build up, and seen some on the news as well . Full Moons usually stir things up quite a bit depending on their nature and this one is packed with energies known and unknown, full of fire and a bit of mayhem, a dynamic energy that seems mainly due to the Mars in Aries factor on the approach to the eclipse degree in the coming week.

But the Full Moon chart itself is not a troublesome looking chart, almost the opposite in fact in many ways, but the Moon in the last days was opposing Jupiter and Uranus which could have accounted for the unexpected aviation event involving a well-known airline.
This was not human error as is often the case at Full Moons.
It was being in the wrong place at the wrong time, possible near a storm front. Clear air turbulence that extreme is very rare indeed.

Eclipses can cause this sort of unusual event however even weeks later if other planets stir up the degree as there had already been two planets before Mars doing the same.
We wont dwell on the negatives but we need to remember, we are still in the eclipse energy due to this position of Mars and both the planet and the sign are well known for accidents so we who have the planet or sign strong in our life patterns do need to take a little care and do not invite trouble although for some, trouble will find us.

A lot will calm down now the Full Moon has been exact but for all of the sign of Sagittarius and Gemini this is a huge turning point for self and relationships , also for those with the same ascending signs. More travel – more adventure and definitely more learning, much of the higher kind will develop from this Moon.
Its also a crisis point for health matters and everything personal for many of us not just those signs, and again this has a lot to do with the April eclipse.

On the eve of the Full Moon the Sun was trine to Pluto, Gemini to Aquarius to remind us of the changing times we live in and the wonders of new technology, new science, and the reason we are alive at this time as Pluto rules the masses. Pluto is also about power and this trine is a nice reminder that the old power struggles are being sorted on this planet and much is being revealed that is adding to the light that is needed to fight the darker energies that have ruled for too long.

Venus has been conjunct Jupiter in Taurus where they have been celebrating the same Full Moon and change of signs coming, partying up big before Venus raced off ahead to get to Gemini first which she is doing today.

This Full Moon is almost 3 degrees Sagittarius which is square to my Sun and happening in my 11th house of friendships and so far it is a friend who has been very affected most by this Moon in my world having a spate of bad luck from over a week ago. Two friends in fact I have seen affected in not such positive ways but this sort of karma is following closely by rewards as a rule and Jupiter into Gemini should bring good news for both in a few days.
I'd say the same for many of us in fact !

This Full Moon in a more general sense WILL make people restless and want to travel especially with so many planets moving into Gemini at this time. Although some may be having second thoughts about that and decide on shorter journeys which is what Gemini is all about.

It is a Full Moon that will bring much curiosity from people to expand their horizons with knowledge or experience so this is something we can expect to feel more of especially with

Venus entering Gemini today and Jupiter ruler of this Full Moon in two days time..
Venus will be in Gemini now for the coming 25 days so Gemini people will be getting more attention and maybe romance too, certainly plenty of attention and social engagements.

This could be quite a grounding time for this sign which is needed with the focus so strongly on this air sign.
Librans and Taureans will also be caught up in some fun social times in the weeks ahead, motivated to take up new studies, new interests, to reach for new horizons like so many of us.
The rest of us can enjoy having the area of our birth charts that Gemini and Sagittarius rule lit up for quite a while, solar or natal.

Jupiter is sextile to Neptune today, Pisces to Taurus , a supportive and highly intuitive aspect that will add a whole other dimension to the curiosity generated at this time, and any exploration we decide to do as this is an influence of reaching for the stars.

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