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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

We live in interesting times with strange drones or space craft from unknown sources gathering around our planet and hovering over certain centres and nuclear plants. There appears to be at least two different types and some look like air buses which reminds me of the craft described by Charles James Hall when he worked for Gov on an airforce base in Nevada as a weather man in the 1960s.

I have met this man and his wife and he is a truely genuine person.
He has books about his experiences called "Millennial Hospitality."

Only he wrote of the Tall whites which are not a race that are war like in any way, nor do I believe any race from outer space is unless they are attached more to the Earth world and this solar system.

But that’s just my opinion. I do believe there are higher ETS that watch over us as I have had experiences myself to prove this.

I have also had the most amazing dreams of a Golden race of beings landing on Earth with many of us aware it would happen.
However we may not quite be ready for them yet.
I believe due to the Golden Dog in my very real dream and the feeling of awe I was experiencing that they are Sirians.

But I am not here to discuss all that, but all the same something very interesting is brewing in the heavens and this is likely to be about concern around missile attacks fueled by certain countries.

This is happening at the most astrologically sensitive of times near a Perigee (yesterday ) approach to a Full Moon in Gemini (tomorrow) when Mars is Rx and Mercury too.
I have written quite a bit about this in the weeks/months leading up to this and wont go over it but it involves Mars backwards which is very “behind the scenes” with regard to world leaders, armed forces too, and secret services, with a lot going on that is not being published on the TV news or anywhere as there are two opposing forces now in leadership.

This has also involved Mercury backwards which was always going to mean a big turn around in what IS being made known to we the public and we can be sure that when this Full Moon peaks and Mercury turns direct again, we are going to find out a few things we had not expected.
As long as a full on war is avoided Im open to hear what is really happening.

We do know a lot is being turned around during this Rx period with a lot of opposition to the incoming Gov and attempts already to control a lot of changes that need to be made…

The Full Moon is sailing in amongst the energy of the conjunction of Kaali and Pholus yesterday This makes so much sense from what I saw myself as to the effect of that in a clash of too males I know well. I know it was symbolism for me to work out the meaning of.

Pholus brings a pressure release, so that whatever has been buried inside is shaken up and then released with a lot of heat and an explosive energy. And it has a kind of chain effect as it is much more to it than at first meets the eyes.
Pholus has a quality of opening the door to the infinite. Depending on the door, that may or may not be helpful, or seem helpful, but it is what it is and when Pholus has become active, it's necessary to get out of denial and work with the energy consciously. It is as if something that seemed quite small suddenly escalates into something major which ultimately is a good thing thing as the power generated in this case has helped the Kundalini rise which is where Kaali comes in.
Kaali tends to bring situations that awake kundalini energy and power within that’s laid dormant which makes sense when stuck energies begin to flow again.

This aspect happens around 8 degrees Capricorn which is near enough to my ascending degree so I got to experience this quite vividly even though I was not one of the main characters but I viewed it and felt the power play between two people . It was complex with shades of deeply buried resentments exploding from nowhere with powerful archetypes showing their faces for myself objectively viewing.

Although disturbing I feel it was a deeply healing moment for all concerned.

I do believe the same is happening on this planet , something that will indeed cause many kundalini responses in many people.

Saturn was holding things steady in this period with a trine aspect to Juno in Scorpio , a very deep seated influence of healing and restored structure for many lives. And for those who govern wisely as Saturn is about that.

The Full Moon tomorrow will be about 8 PM where I am on the East coast of Australia, falling at 23 degrees Gemini which happens to be close to important degrees and opposite of the incoming USA President. And also triggering the chart of the usa.

When I had compared the charts of USA and the two candidates running , Harris and Trump I saw a time coming before the inauguration when they may have to work together on something that demanded attention outside of anyones knowledge , something most unusual so I am wondering if this Full Moon will have something to do with that.
Kaali representing kundalini power and the powerful feminine is still present along with the unpronounceable creator God Quaoar in an aspect tomorrow .
Quaoar who sung and danced the world into existence.

Together they tune up the energies tremendously , powerwise. To me this is looking like a total recreation for human kind and celebrating something way beyond out understanding at this point in time .

It is the day after that when Mercury, ruler of the Gemini Full Moon will go direct releasing in the following days a large amount of new information to the public, under a Sun quincunx Uranus aspect of the sudden and unexpected. Happening at 23 degrees Sagittarius and Taurus this is a big clue to proceedings as what we do know is that information will flow again but it wont be what is expected.

In the meantime Happy Full Moon in advance Geminis!

This one is a massively big Full Moon not just for the Gemini natives but for all of us. It is a dual influence so there is most likely going to be two major world leaders involved with this and two major factors being announced to the world , as if we haven’t had enough already!

Its a turning point personally for Sagittarians and Geminis in relationships, health, and direction, or those with the signs ascending. Moon signs are also involved with this for the individuals or prenatal eclipses.

Im also noting that Mars Rx in Leo is quincunx to Pallas in Capricorn , so even the peace loving Pallas will be stretched to act as the middle man between some very angry and frustrated humans and who knows “who” or what else . She will need all the courage she can muster to prevent a very explosive situation and turn it around to something positive. But being a Goddess she will not fail as a quincunx always has a way of working things out, so we have the war like male (Mars) and a female warrioress power (Pallas) to help save the day…

And if you are a Gemini whichever gender, you will have a ring side seat!

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Involved Wayfarer
RT Supporter
Dec 31, 2016
Northern California
Goodness, thank G_d. This full Moon, 4 degree orb from my Sun, handed me a few jawbreakers. It felt like being squeezed by two metal plates coming together. As of yesterday, I'm back to normal. :)
  • A hug for you
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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
Goodness, thank G_d. This full Moon, 4 degree orb from my Sun, handed me a few jawbreakers. It felt like being squeezed by two metal plates coming together. As of yesterday, I'm back to normal. :)
I had the same effect and several family members and friends too. Its been horrific but also in the end came a miracle, the day after , when Mercury went direct. That was unbelievable and unexpected, but the stress of that leadup was crippling this time.
Another good thing is that i had had a bad virus for almost three weeks and finally it left my system and I felt whole again ...
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