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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
cancer susan boulet1.jpg

It's your new beginning of the year and for Capricorns, its your new beginning for relating or relationships of the most important to you.

Some of us may feel a little physically drained today as New Moons traditionally in a tribal sense are for planning ahead, making the important decisions necessary to carry out for the month ahead. New Moons are not for physical action , more for the cerebral and practical areas of our lives to discuss with anyone we respect and trust, the best course of action for times ahead.

Especially so with this Cancerian energy so strong with the focus on families and loved ones, also for security and nurturing care for others , as well as material security.
This New Moon falls on 14 23 degrees Cancer, exactly on my Desc cusp as it happens, which is my Mars position also. As an example of the New Moon effect, I would expect this to bring out my OOB Mars so I will need to tread softly with loved ones at this time. But there is great potential for breakthroughs in family relating too.
Cancerians will find that some fairly potent events or news will happen around this period for self and family .

For the rest of us, wherever Cancer falls in our birth charts, we can expect new opportunities to arrive in the areas ruled by the house and sign.

A lot will come to a head in areas of past family issues as Mars is opposing Pallas today. Pallas who doesn’t like to fight physically as in war but rather sort things out verbally even if in this case sparks may fly.

The New Moon is also opposing Ceres suggesting the same but again, a good thing as this is a new starting place for old grievances and how we distribute our love in fair ways.
Any opposing factors or cross currents in the family/relationship dynamic has the potential to be sorted once and for all and it may not suit everyone involved but there at least will be a new understanding after today.

Venus squaring Chiron Cancer to Aries does warn of painful truths coming out but also offers the wisdom from our higher self for resolution.
Mars forms a supportive sextile from Taurus 19 degrees to Saturn in Pisces. This is a positive aspect that adds renewed structure to the dynamics of this New Moon very helpful for the Piscean and Capricornian dilemmas at this time, along with those of Taureans and Arians

But being a New Moon these influences are for everyone to tap into and make the most of to begin again where it is necessary.

In the New Moon Chart the planets and elements are well distributed around the zodiac so there is a lot of balance there.
Air, water, fire and Earth are working together at this time to help us build up our energies and strengths on all levels of our being to bring about a metamorphosis of “newness” which is what the Universe or God creator energies wants for us at this time so we can work with and accept the positives and negatives too of our chosen paths as our world changes around us daily.

Art by Susan Boulet.
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