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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
gemini New Moon SUsan.jpeg

Its your new beginning of the year Geminis, time to clear out and begin again!
And the relating new beginning for Sagittarians in your place of important “others”.

For all of us it’s a new beginning in the areas of our charts where Gemini is on the cusp and please for best results use equal house for that first and foremost. the other wont be as strong for most. Or at least use both.

You can add your solar chart meaning too so count your sign as 1st house in that case, such as mine is 4th house being Pisces. Gemini is 4th from there.
In my Natal chart its 6th .

Its nice to know we have a new start somewhere, no matter how challenging our transits are . and mutable signs ARE feeling Saturn like never before. Hes been harsh this time around mainly due to the times we live in of great chaos, and anyone who is in denial of that has blinkers on big time .
Young people of course just think its perfectly normal. The older we are the more we understand how chaotic it really is.

But we are all equipped to deal with it if we are still alive and breathing Earths air.

This New Moon and the days towards the crescent Moon is time to make new decisions and strategies, plans, decisions too, and carry them out after this date.
A New Moon is like Christians treat a Sunday . It’s kind of like a day of rest but helpful to sit around and discuss things as physical energy is low but mental power is strong. This one however does carry a lot of physical action too due to the fire element still around.

This is a time to speak out if we have held back , communicate what we have been withholding.

And of course choices are a thing with this New Moon as it’s a dual sign.

This Moon falls at 16 degrees 17 minutes. The Sabian symbol(next degree always) is “The head of a robust thinker changes to that of a mature thinker”. This is saying oddly similar to what I was thinking that the older and more experience we have had, the more we will see things in reality and not through emotions or knee jerk reactions. Also we will see through our heightened intuition too.

And speaking of knee jerk reactions, that has been the way a bit more than usual with Mars in Aries and the Aries eclipse to contend with .
So the symbol means there is only so much you can do with your youthful force. Now is the time to use your intuition and intellect to allow your wisdom through. We can all feel our mindset changing and growing. Its TIME to stop tearing around and become more serious about life and its ramifications.
Basically , going from reacting with the lower emotional nature to thinking with the higher mind.

The New Moon chart has 5 bodies in Gemini , 3 in Aries including Eris, Chiron and Mars, the helpers, with Mars to back them with courageous action. (sometimes very strong, but Chiron tempers the others with his wisdom.

Two bodies in Pisces Saturn and Neptune who will next year be joining each other in Aries and will meet sometime that year. They promise dedicated spiritual/creative and empathic energies to blend with the practical/material world of Gov rules and security hardship that has to be addressed urgently if we are to survive this life.

The other bodies spread around the chart, Pluto, Ceres, Pallas , Juno and Vesta are watching from afar standing like sentinels or Shamans on the outer perimeter watching over us.

The chart is about being very aware of the new information filtering through to us to enhance our learning on all levels . There is a hint of a need to focus on some lighter subjects and activities, increase our contacts and social circle or family support, take care of relationships with Venus and the Moon leading the way . Its saying lets get those emotions settled and listen more to information that’s available, or increase the cerebral focus more to get information we need while its so readily available.

To clear old karma is necessary due to a Scorpio influence, and this new information will help with that. Accept what is being offered , don’t hold back on making new contacts but at the same time don’t get on overwhelm. Know when to erect the boundaries as time is a thing and as humans we only have so much in a day.

I am noting tomorrow Venus will be in a hard angle to Saturn so that could be a bit sobering. Perhaps its what we need to ground again after this very exhilarating and communication filled day.

So get as much done today with the communicating and then rest up physically tomorrow maybe!
Take note Librans, Taureans , Pisces and Capricorns especially.

Mars will soon be moving into Taurus so that in itself will hold us to mother earth, and ground us again for real. On that same day Sunday for some, Sat for others, Sun will square Saturn as well so we all hit Earth with a thud but all the same our minds will still be working overtime even if our bodies do need to slow down for a while.
Capricorns, Pisces, Leos and Geminis particularly take note not to overdo things in the coming days but this could apply to any of us.

Art by Susan Boulet
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