Article HAPPY NEW MOON LEOS! (1 Viewer)

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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
leo new moon 6.jpg

And to everyone, as our glorious Sun is the centre of our solar system and it rules us all.

Happy relationship New Moon to Aquarians , new beginnings and break throughs for them in how they relate and with their important "others".

This New Moon happens at 12 34 degrees Leo and will be exact near MIDNIGHT in my part of the world. (Very near my 8th house Pluto) so I can expect some transformation myself.

This is a new beginning in every way for Leos as they may have come out of the previous month feeling perhaps a little jaded, as the month before our own birth sign month can be a little like the “dark night of the soul” unless that sign is our ascending sign or on an angle gaining more light from the Sun.

The month before can be one of soul searching and pondering as its our solar “12th house”.

But today is the beginning of the new cycle for the year for Leos so new decisions can now be made and new projects put into action as the crescent Moon approaches in 5 days.

Although physical energy could be a little low, mental energy is on high alert so this period is the best for planning and discussions on how best to proceed.

And that means for all of us in the sector of the heavens ruled by Leo in our birth charts. Mine is 8th house where my Pluto is which is about endings and new beginnings, shared resources, other peoples money, and a lot of shamanic energies to call on.
Solar chart wise for me its 6th house , health and work /service.

There are a LOT of solar flares again , I have had many notifications in the last week and an X flare has recently arrived, putting pressure on the Van Allen belts and some extra radiation sneaking through to Earth, accounting for some of the unusual weather patterns and other happenings, health too for the sensitive.

There is a lot about this New Moon that is like a Full Moon effect with at least one large 7 EQ happening in the last days.

And I did read about Yellowstone in the month just gone pretty much right on a Perigee Moon just after the Full Moon.

Apogee will be in 5 days on the Crescent Moon bringing weather patterns for this month to a peak and I do believe a tropical storm is forming as I write this off Florida coast.

Venus in Leo is almost quincunx Neptune , all about the oceans and finding ways to unconditional love as Mercury begins to station before Rx. The past revisited is upon us .

Tomorrow in fact Venus moves into Virgo to begin bringing gifts of love to Virgo people, more attention, more positives to look forward too and hopefully more money too.

For all of us we get a chance to show we care to those who need love and attention, to help where we can, moving from the self love perspective to the care of others around us, even sacrificing our own needs where necessary although of course self care is paramount when helping others in healthy ways.

Think of the full time carers amongst us and have some compassion for their needs also as there are so many around us that constantly put others first for various reasons, and its
not acknowledged by the system as it could be.

When Venus moves to Virgo she will form a quincunx with Pluto in Aquarius which with the Rx Mercury help us to dig deeper into our psyches to understand the depth of other peoples suffering and work out ways we can make a difference and transform our own feelings and reactions as we enter more into a different state of “being” and personal power, that is being gifted to us from the universe more and more every day now.

Rather than interpret the changes we are seeing as a burden , we have the choice of accepting them as a gift that is aiding our own spiritual evolution more than ever before and that of the planet.

This period of the Leo Sun sign reminds us that our capacity to love and care, take pride in self and others is endless, infinite.

Today we can celebrate that.

Art by Susan Boulet.

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