Article HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE IN MY PART OF THE WORLD! (a little late) (1 Viewer)

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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
white owl.jpg

And Happy summer solstice to those in the North!

Here in Aust/NZ it’s the shortest day and mid winter so we are feeling frosty mornings and snow on the mountains around us.

This time of Solstice, which ever part of the world you are in, is about renewal and the best time to contemplate on the energies of light and darkness with the returning of light paramount in my part of the world, but so symbolic, so important in this time we live in after experiencing more darkness collectively since 2020 than we have had in our life times apart from the ww 2 years.

Everything we regarded as "normal" in our world changed a few years back and life took on a different tone. Only now is a strong spiritual light returning and its a good feeling, even though there are still wars and power struggles happening. These are necessary as a big clearing out is happening this year and next.

So the good news is that there is light now brighter than its ever been shining in those who KNOW there is a better future coming, those who keep faith for the same and believe in it so much that they are helping to create it. The more who visualize and “know” in their hearts this is happening , the more it will manifest on this good Earth.

The more we talk about and glorify the negatives (although its certainly Ok to not be in denial of it) the more it becomes a reality as percentages count in this war of light and dark that is happening on this planet and simply by being one who believes in a world of peace and unity, fairness and equality, the more it happens. Because of people such as these simply existing we have already won even though it does not appear that way for many.

The spirit residing in we Human beings is much more powerful than most of us realise. The Good in the Human spirit will always prevail which is the main lesson we are all learning at this time.

Dark and evil can be recognised as a system that controls and restricts and tries to shut off natural freedoms and rights, intuition and natural instincts, plus our connection to nature and the natural ways of healing that comes directly from Mother Earth.

Today the Sun moves into Cancer to shine light on all born in this family/people orientated sign, the sign of nurturing, protection and security, also shining light on all the sign represents for the world..

The new beginning New Moon for Cancerians will happen on the 5th/6th depending where you are in the world.
It’s the 6th in NZ and AUST.

Tomorrow is the Full "Blue" Moon in Capricorn which I have already written about in my last post so there are a few extremes of feelings around still before its totally Full. I am feeling them as its my ascending sign Full Moon.

In the weeks ahead we can celebrate all the positives about families and the nurturing and security of our human family on this planet to help raise the levels of spirituality/ consciousness to find a clear path ahead for us all.

A note for all of you is that I will soon be travelling in the week ahead and not have a lot of time to post on here but will try to get some small posts up at least .

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