Thank you for posting the information - very informative. Then comes my decision as the recipient of this information on how to react? Now I see that it is shocking, potentially fear-creating to realise that everyone is a target of a nefarious global scheme, disempowering to realise that it is long-planned and already almost a done-deal that only requires for the smoke to clear, for a large majority of people to realise they have been duped. Then I consider atrocities that have been done in the name of progress: the Inquisition; creation of WWII by the controllers playing both sides for their own wealth creation; even the deployment of money schemes as a mechanism to create "value", and how that value could be held by the few but not by the many, and a list that could go on and on over multiple thousands of years that humanity has been "played".
And I realise that the commentators, whilst exceptional at what they do (and thanks to them for blowing whistles), are really just playing with pieces of the broken paradigm. If SDR is Special Drawing Rights on the IMF, and the IMF has not in essence changed or transformed, then SDR is another control lever.
So I must snap my focus out of the snake pit, and focus on expansion of consciousness that goes way beyond money as a means of creating abundance through manifestation. The horse who has been shod for millennium must wonder where the next shoe is coming from, but really, there are no need for horseshoes when the horse is flying.