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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

On this Perigee “Moon close to the Earth “day, a lot is happening in the heavens which reminds us “as above, so below”.
This Moon has already brought a huge EQ in Nepal affecting a lot of nearby countries. 7.1 on my notification.

Extreme feelings are often present on these Perigees whether a Full Moon or New Moon or not. And right now we are on an approach to a Full Moon that is ruled by the Moon in Cancer. But today the Moon is Perigee in Aries.

The Aries effect of the Moon is bouncing off Mars I’m sure that has just moved back into Cancer from Leo.
Mars is definitely the most interesting planet at present outside of Pluto. Mars had extra power while in Leo where he is usually in his element, but in Cancer he is in his fall so it’s a struggle although he has a wisdom about the sign which makes him more careful. Being more careful is good just now but being also out of bounds, out of the Suns control until April is going to cause some unusual effects. I think Mars will be treading softly in some ways but at times he is going to upset people with unexpected moves and strategies, also secretive which is not something he normally does.

Being backwards in relation to the earth he can move behind the scenes more so than usual.
This is a very unusual time we are in for the first months of the year and a lot of this began on the 1st of January.
As a general rule for all of us we can’t expect things to go as planned all the time but some of the time there will be some surprises and if our own planets are in our favour then we can do a lot more than we think we can.

But best not to hold back if we have a definite goal but rather go after our dreams.

Cancerians probably should take a little care in how they tackle things- physical especially and try not to be too sensitive to others words or action, try not to have knee jerk responses. Arians would be best to count to ten more than usual, Arians too for that matter until Mid-April but don’t hold back with your important plans all the same.

Mercury has already been in touch with the Galactic centre so if the last few days have been odd, it’s due to the downloads coming to us from higher spheres and if we haven’t got it all in our conscious mind yet it will appear when we need it in times ahead.
Geminis, Sagittarians and Virgo “types” especially should be aware something very unusual is going on from “up there”. But this is happening for all of us whether we know or not...
On that day when they both touched 27 degrees I found a gift from nature on a path I was walking hidden in the leaves that was a great reassurance to me. Over the years when in a natural phase of Shaman education and initiation these things happened often but in the last years I and some others have had to focus on protection from an unknown force we had not come across before or not so consciously.

The fact that this gift happened for me is a sign in my opinion that something very dark is finally lifting on this Earth and we are once more able to work with the positive forces available and tune in more easily to these energies that we need to feel whole.
Fear came in very strongly for many since 2020 and darkness feeds on fear.

Mercury made contact with Neptune yesterday, which is a sensitive aspect making it possible to tune into spirit more so than usual and again I have felt spirit close - family and others even now as I write this.

Today which is the 8th here and 7th in other countries Mercury is quincunx Mars, sharpening our mental abilities and showing us ways to sort through areas that have been impossible before. A quincunx aspect can be difficult but it gives room to find answers and resources to work with in stuck situations.

Mars in his present state in contact with Mercury does bring unusual thoughts and strategies to consider, very “outside the box.”

This happens in an anaretic degree in Cancer and Sagittarius. So it’s a bit different to usual and brings a sense of urgency although it was yesterday I personally felt that strongest, in my solar plexus, the “tummy brain”. It was intense in the earlier part of the day.

Mercury is now in Capricorn, later in my day. Capricorns are ready now to put their thinking caps on. In the 2 weeks ahead they can make their plans with more clarity which they quite like doing, as long as they don’t over think things. Information should flow for them perhaps too much so at times over the Full Moon period.
Geminis and Virgos always benefit from the signs their planet is passing through so they will be thinking like a Capricorn which is a more practical and earthy effect than usual for them and help them to slow down a little from the stretched out Sagittarian influence of the Rx period in Dec, although that was good for all of us for inspiration.
We should settle more into this Mars Rx and OOB energy as time goes on once we recognise everything is not as it seems and are ready to live with that.
We are in a period of what Robert Anton Wilson called “Chapel Perilous” which means anything can happen and probably will.
We handle this from finding a safe place within, and try to have more than the usual faith that others can too.

On the 12th the Moons Nodes changes signs to Pisces and Virgo , a destiny change for the planet. They will stay in these signs heralding in the new set of eclipses until end of July 2026.

This changes a paradigm for the world that will help clear karma for the collective and help us move into a new era of spiritual growth and a new compassionate awareness which I will write more of during the year.

The Full Moon in Cancer approaching is in the Sunsign of USA. This Full Moon happens right on the Venus position of D. T r u m p. Venus is about politics as it is and is ruler of his Taurus MC which will be on the horizon at the time of the Inauguration as far as I can make out on the 20th.
Jupiter will be direct by the time of both events – Full Moon and Inauguration.
For anyone that has compared his chart with USAs they will see the synchronicities so this is a fated time. Donald’s Moon sign is the same as the USA Asc sign. There are a lot of contacts in the charts

A Full Moon however pre Inauguration will bring high levels of emotion and diverse opinions worldwide, but the Sun kindly trines Uranus near it keeping the craziness low key at the least but two days after the Full Moon there is a Sun opposing Mars aspect that could be very fiery indeed so any violence or attacks of any kind globally is most likely to happen around that post Full Moon period. 16th or a little sooner perhaps.
This is at 26 degrees Capricorn and Cancer.

On the day of Inauguration Taurus will be on the horizon which is T’s Midheaven. The Moon will be in the political Libra opposite exactly to the degree of the solar total eclipse in Aries that set all this off in the first place in April 2024 with Chiron exactly on Aries 19 degrees...
Venus ruler of the Inauguration chart sits between Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, promising more structured Gov rules to follow with the blend of the compassionate, spiritual/creative.

These are the planets both moving into Aries next year which are going to “get things done” but with a long period of adjustment.

Most importantly the 20th January is the day that the Sun moves for the first time into the New Age sign of Aquarius since Pluto entered the sign to stay. This is the promise of the start of the Golden age astrologically whether we agree or not!
Before I end this article I must admit I am a little worried about the Sun meeting Pluto in a conjunction two days after the event on the 20th.

The Sabian symbol is “An unexpected thunderstorm”, (we always use the following degree) which does suggest a surprise is coming that could test us all but there is learning in the experience. It also states that the effect will be quite liberating however after the initial shock as storms can clear the air after an extreme build up of energy and they can often leave us with a sense of awe and wonder at the sometimes extreme power of natural events.

So its sounding like there will be some sort of “sign” for us all after this Global event from the heavens. I surely hope so!
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