I'm not sure why they call it the beginning of a new cycle but here you go. Just the first part:
Let this day be remembered...26 July 2019...HUMANS now begin to BE CONSCIOUSNESS first, with a physical human body.
It is easy and clear for all awakened to say, that each human being’s awakening process, has been guiding each, thus building, shifting each, step by step since 2012. It’s a VERY individual and unique process for each, UPON a Collective Galactic Timeline.
The HIGHEST objective for each SOUL has been an internal human one; to raise the energetic frequency of the human being that perceived separated state. By personal and human inner work, to see and thus dissolve all former mind patterning that we can ascribe to the 3rd and 4th dimensional bandwidth of energies. After we clear lower (Hz) frequency programmes that embedded and cycled, that created repeated patterns of mental, emotional and physical experiences in our solid holographic realities, we SHIFT, one stage at a time, in our HUMAN energetic frequency. These shifts raise two things for our human experience:
1] Raise the energetic frequency/vibration of the PHYSICAL human body.
2] Move the ‘human’ one step closer to become, a CONSCIOUS AWARENESS, that ‘resides’ outside of the human vessel and holographic reality.