I began writing this on the Perigee Moon in Pisces, Sunday Aust time with Venus conjunct Neptune around 28 degrees in Pisces, the Moon too as I took a photo of them.
It is said Venus and Neptune are one of the most spiritual connections in the zodiac as together they bring a very deep and intuitive kind of love that blends in other dimensional realities.
These energies can be used in many ways but mainly this aspect is a great healer of the kind of pain that wont go away easily as it provides comfort and solace when nothing else will, gifts from spirit too, and in this case especially if you are Pisces or Taurean or Libran.
It could also bring a certain kind of escapism if you are of that mindset, or special enjoyment of the creative pursuits, music, art, or being lost in nature for a retreat.
Even the day before Venus was with the North node in Pisces so we are looking at highly karmic meetings, experiences, as well as a kind of closure happening at this time.
If and there is always one of those, Mars wasn’t still OOB causing more chaos that we need in the world, we could appreciate this special otherworldly energy coming in a little more.
And unfortunately people are still having strange little accidents of the Mars in Cancer nature which I have noted is affecting Capricorns more than others although some Cancerians are definitely out of sorts too, but strangely energized all the same. Both signs are.
Mars is Cancer in that state is aggravating my Saturn/Mars conjunction on my Desc physically, and with “authorities”, old parent stuff.
We are just beginning a Crescent Moon phase which is when we take those amazing plans and ideas and begin to build on them, make the right contacts and gather the best information to make them manifest as the Moon energy builds again.
Then with one more day to go, as I finish writing this, on the 4th in my world and 3rd in the rest of the world, Jupiter our most beneficial planet will go direct at 11 degrees Gemini as he has been backwards since 9th Oct which has been opposite to my Moon , and on my son in law Perry’s Gemini Ascending sign since July 2024 and as Perry has had a long two year battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis due to Saturn on his Sun and squaring his Asc and Gemini Moon, Jupiter had given him a long reprieve and we all hoped for further miracles, but in these last two weeks Perry has finally passed to spirit as Jupiter often brings that release and heavenly journey. So in Jupiter's second transit of the Ascending sign. the heavenly realms brought that final journey and Perry has had many wondrous journeys in his life – as he has a really adventurous, far reaching spirit.
Jupiter is often the most prominent planet in our passing if there has been a long term illness.
I knew the station point of Jupiter was one of the pointers for my son in law in his long illness and as it happens it is when his service, the celebration of his life will take place and those who chose that date had no idea this was the date Jupiter stops before going direct .
It's also the date I will or was meant to be moving house back to my home which I have been absent from now for 6 weeks due to renovations, and I will be very happy to be home again, but now it will be the following day due to this service I will watch on line.
Jupiter is a good friend of mine as was/is Perry so I have a lot of mixed feelings as I write this.
For all of us Jupiter direct means that we will now be motivated to go ahead with our plans, our goals without restraint although some of we Pisceans and Virgos may still feel reined in a little due to Saturn’s journey through the last part of Pisces until May.
Jupiter is especially positive for any red tape that’s been holding us back, or matters relating to education, travel and all other Jupiter ruled areas which includes exploration – adventure and the higher mind.
Any of the long term Jupiter transits you have been experiencing can now bear more fruit as this will be a major turning point, especially if you are Sagittarian or have a Sag ascending sign or Midheaven , or the sign is on one of the other two angles.
Or Gemini.
Wherever Sag or Gemini is in your life patterns expect some get up and go, green lights!
Tomorrow Venus will move into Aries to bring some love and special gifts to Arian peoples. Venus is happy in Aries as she can be her sassy self, show her love and desires openly and go after them, no holds barred.
I think that is just as romantic as Venus in Pisces if not more so, certainly more open and direct which would be nice for a change to this Pisces!
Taureans and Librans will enjoy the Arian energies as well. But we all can do the same as what we feel we can put into action but as always “moderation in all things” is a good policy as Venus there can be impulsive or overly assertive.
And talking of policies, Venus has a political side so politics are going to get VERY assertive and competitive! We might think it already is with what is happening on the USA borders or in the county itself, but there is more to come and not just on the neighbouring borders for any country at all.
And its time for the strongest leaders to have some very direct discussions with nothing hidden. Its time to speak ones truths and put your money where your mouth is , with Venus in Aries.
Tomorrow OOB Mars will be squaring Chiron in Aries so this means a certain pain for some which could be emotional as Chiron is more about that than physical, although who knows what Mars has in mind as he is the wild card but Chiron is the stronger archetype for many and can dig deep for strength and wisdom beyond imagining to help us through the worst experiences.
The female Goddess asteroids and planets will be out in force, Vesta squaring Mercury, Aquarius to Scorpio. The main message is keep strong mental boundaries as words can hurt more than anything else, as can our thoughts with Scorpio involved. But it might help us remain objective if needed, call on that sort of strength.
Vesta also is quincunx Jupiter so I interpret this to mean a lot of embellishment could be given to certain subjects but there will be ways to take what is needed and make the best of it from anything too extreme. This one is about optimism if nothing else, some maybe misplaced if care isn’t taken .
As I will be travelling and may not have time to write for a few days so need to mention the Sun conjunct Chariklo aspect in two days time which I love, with Mercury conjuncting her soon after along with Neptune conjunct the North Node.
Chariklo was the wife of Chiron, friend of Pallas Athene. The asteroid itself is the largest of the centaur type given a female name. Her meaning is all about compassion, healing, prophecy as that was her strongest gift and she believes in keeping strong personal boundaries so there is a real strength she bestows on us.
This happens at 15/16 degrees Aquarius so if you have your Sun or Moon or personal planets on or near that degree, or if it is on an angle, you can expect some special inspiration and unusual experiences, or a person who brings a special gift even if spiritual as well as or instead of physical, but that special gift of healing is available for all, along with Jupiter’s best motivational energies in the coming days.
The year is moving along already and in strong positive directions.
Do not allow the pessimists, the doomsday advocates, the negative, to cloud your vision or dull your own unique shining light within.
But rather remember your eternal spirit is always around to tune into, so you can remember your own true nature and that of every soul you encounter, even if they appear otherwise for the purpose of this incarnation.