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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

Tomorrow Jupiter stations to retrograde at 21 20 Gemini.
He will be Rx until the 3rd February 2025. When he goes backwards he retraces his steps over aspects he made globally or in our natal charts since mid- July.

One of those daily aspects was a conjunction to Mars at the Blue Moon in July when a leader stepped down. but of course Mars has moved on now. However Im wondering if when Jupiter passes this degree again at the end of Dec if there will be something political happen relating to that event.

Mars and Jupiter are very involved with world leadership. And even though the elections in USA will be well over end of Dec, Mars will be Retrograde in Leo by then from early Dec so anything can happen and probably will!

The warlike energies of Mars and Jupiter have to also be considered as there is certainly war escalating world wide. at this station point coming up.
The degree of Jupiter/Mars meeting in July will be triggered near a positive New Moon in Capricorn new New years Eve – a very structured Gov type New Moon so lets hope it will bring a peaceful year ahead in 2025 via good strong and positive leadership.

In the meantime this turning point tomorrow (8th/9th depending where you are in the world) to retrograde will last until 3rd February so there is much old ground to cover before that as Jupiter has also been squaring Saturn in Pisces since August but that wont happen again before Saturn has moved to Aries and Jupiter to Cancer in June 2025. The square will happen mid June so this is all about finance and the world economic system so many changes to sort there before mid 2025.

So Im curious as to the Sabian symbols to all of the above but will only do the key date of 21 degrees when he turns tomorrow. The symbol for 22 Gemini (we always use the one after the actual degree) is “Dancing couples crowd the barn in a harvest festival” which is basically saying theres a need to get back to the basic and simple enjoyable things of life which has a lot to do with the seasonal rhythms. Its true that its more difficult in these times to find some happiness or enjoyment in life , hard work in fact to find the same.

There is also a message here about more work and effort being put towards earning or saving money to make it possible to enjoy anything at all! But celebrating the warmth and providence of the earth is so important for us all. Finding a reason to celebrate is even harder but the joy of a harvest has a comfort of its own whatever it is we can harvest and make use of,
Its also talking about not being a “wallflower” or joining in, not honoring your own need to be nurtured and cared for and to enjoy your own “being” , play and have fun. So take note of this turning point as a time to begin living your life in ways that bring the focus back to “you” as Jupiter backtracks in Gemini to rectify all that has been forgotten in areas of enjoyment and celebration of self.

We don’t need a special invitation to do this . we do not need “permission”.

I don’t want to make this post too long but with regard to Mars in Cancer now and soon to move to Leo early next month – the Leo energy is about leadership (globally too)and Mars is the same so many of us will gain more confidence with that placement.

When he goes Rx at the beginning of Dec there will be a huge effect for the planet and a period of adjustment to areas of leadership we do not know about yet.
Its very intriguing as Mercury also will be Rx still in the first two weeks of Dec when Mars begins his backwards journey.

Im noting the symbols and there are hidden meanings in areas of communication then. Last time Mars was Rx in 2022 media communication changed, thanks to Twitters new owner so who knows what could happen in that direction , via free speech from the beginning of Dec.

Mercury will be in Sag which is very outspoken so we can only hope that Gov controls are not so severe with msn.

The 8th /9th Oct is a key date for all the Jupiter transits we have experienced since March pretty much so we can make adjustments, decisions needed in those areas, probably with a strong reminder, as things happen at station points- they are real triggers.
Sagittarians and Geminis will notice this turning point or that “type of person” more than most.

The 11th /12th Oct brings another key date as Pluto stations before direct, a more powerful day for USA especially since their Pluto return and also for the New Age coming as Pluto wont look back again before he enters Aquarius for 20 years “proper” to really get stuck into his major job of dealing with power struggles , wars, hidden information, new technology of all kinds , fuel sources that work well and may even be free before too long, and so much more.

The station point is also a time for decisions and readjustments to regain power we may have lost, to check our loyalties and renew our passions, and for any rebirth type transits many of us have been going through long term.

Plutos forward passage is much more powerful than you may believe for positive developments in this period of Earths history, even if they seem dramatic at this time with Cyclones and wars , terrible things happening all around us at this time, and incredibly sad too.

This station point will be lifechanging for many in the weeks ahead to say the least.
Scorpios, Capriorns and Aquarians especially take note!

Today Mercury is conjunct Juno in Libra 18 degrees encouraging us to ‘talk it out” with regard to old family patterns and issues we may have been dealing with. Its time to let it all go and find healthier ways of communicating our views and definitely for changing old patterns. Librans need to take note of this in particular , Virgos and Geminis too but Juno refers to all of us who need a reminder.

Venus trine to Mars will help with a healthy trine from Cancer to Scorpio which carries so much depth of feeling on this day which aids the processing of our own feelings, even old traumas that need the self nurturing spoken of or validation of others.

Mercury will trine Jupiter tomorrow when he stations, bringing good news for many and inspiring thoughts , conversations too. Libra and Gemini work well together for unity and agreement.

Jupiter himself will square Vesta in Virgo bringing a need to keep boundaries strong, especially to deal with people changing places as Jupiter and Pluto prepare to go in different directions.

Many of you may find this happening in reality that someone is heading off in a new direction away from you or you are doing the same.
Mercury opposes Chiron so there could be a little pain with the parting but its all for the best in this regard. Chiron is wise even if we don’t like the feelings he sometimes brings to test us.

Thank you to the unknown artist of "winds of time"
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