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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

I don’t know about you but I can “feel” Mars in Taurus and its much better, more grounding and stable than when he was in Aries as its been just too hectic for me since the Sagittarian Full Moon and the triggering of the Solar eclipse around that time.

Not to mention the ripple effect of Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus still in effect as that was a rare conjunction that left an imprint in the heavens , still in effect for some time as it was in May 1941 when ww 2 began when this last happened in this sign at the Full Moon in Scorpio when a raid on London took place and then an attack on Russia..
It just struck me that if Mars can trigger an eclipse that previously happened then so can he trigger a conjunction of planets like this so I will be keeping an eye on the 25th July period when Mars passes that degree and just after conjuncts Uranus.

This at the least could bring very unexpected event (which is still to happen some time this year).
The only other major factor around that time is the approach of the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn – a first Blue moon in fact as there are two within a month ahead of that time , a real “once in a Blue Moon” month and I hope this is a GOOD thing with regard to Gov aggression and war like tendencies, whichever country it is that steps back then from inciting more war.

But again I digress , thanks to the still strong Gemini energies around, keeping us on our toes with far too much happening at once.

Generally Mars in Taurus will ground us, help us get out of our heads as thoughts can be out of control at this time . Mars likes to get busy in the garden, grow things, build things , cook stuff, earn money in the best way he can , or “we” in this case.
Taurus does rule the throat chakra, mind you where our voices are so if we have a strong voice for providing care and security to others then lets use it.
OR we could sing instead!

Taureans will benefit from the energies of Mars and get moving on their projects they have been putting off at home, cooking, gardens, beautifying surroundings maybe. . They should take care with rushing things however , as that famous “slow to show” temper could make itself known now and again more than usual as generally Taurus is not one to do the “bull at a gate” tactic.

Arians can rest a bit more from their previous period of overactivity and perhaps a slight anxiety with it, although like we others they may be inspired to do some home decorating or tend to things more security related including more care with their diet.

For everyone its time to definitely smell the flowers, plant some trees or hug existing ones , enjoy nature around us , actually enjoy looking at it and being in it.
If some of you are feeling the Saturn squares as I did yesterday (a little better today) know that it will soon pass as everything does. As a human I conveniently forgot it was happening yesterday but I felt it strongly as a malaise I couldn’t shake off.

HOWEVER yesterday I was able to look at whales through binoculars frolicking in the open sea near me, as they passed by north as they do each year here. It was truly beautiful and a huge help to bring some joy into my life.
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