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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand
dark shaman.jpg

The Mars/Uranus aspect is exact today . As I write this its only just passing the exact minute. There is no denying the explosive energy of this aspect.

26 degrees Taurus is the position of the Fixed star Algol that some say is the most evil fixed star of all, certainly one of the most notorious, yet it can also bestow unparalleled protection and avenge those who have been victimized by unjust deeds.

Its important to know that the Moon is currently in Scorpio and tomorrow will oppose both Mars and Uranus with a trigger effect likely.

Its also important to remember that there is a powerful Full Moon coming – the second of two in the sign of Capricorn which is all about authorities, rules and laws and the darker side of politics at present as after the event involving D o n a l d T r u m p we can see how this aspect is working, but I do not believe this is the only event that will happen.

The remote viewers did pick up men in suits running, females involved but mostly males and even a fast moving object maybe a bullet, but also more data involving hidden motives, vehicles of some kind and a fast moving aerial craft possibly, plus something more underground, something being observed by a being in a craft which did appear other worldly, a different dimensional force involved as well.

From now towards the Full Moon anything can happen and probably will as this strong aspect is the nature of the TOWER in Tarot which we have already seen the effect of.

And the aspect is linked back to the major eclipse month, April. I do believe the events happening now are part of that as Mercury Rx then delayed an effect but any total eclipse has a long term effect including the following planetary aspects on that day such as Venus crossing the eclipse degree later in the month near the Full Moon in Scorpio when the Jupiter/Uranus aspect happened in Taurus a few degrees from this current one. An orb is in effect as is the fixed Star Algol which is not all evil.

There is a positive side, but “beheading” is part of the legend behind it. Beheading can also refer to someone losing a high position such as the current top man in u s a who has mental health issues yet to be addressed.
There are many forms of beheading .

The main man in the running for future p r e s i d e n t at present who was fired at was born with the fixed star REGULUS on the horizon, also Mars nearby which is where the animosity towards him comes from . The planets near fixed stars are really ominous when closely connected by transit or in natal charts but Mars on an Asc gives great leadership and confidence , courage too.

T r u m p has the protection of Jupiter in his sign at this time. His stars are rising at present even though Saturn is frowning on him in square to his sign.

Speaking of Mars, on the 6th Dec after the elections, he will retrograde until about the 23rd February in LEO.

Last time Mars was Rx was in Gemini 2022 when media began to change and free speech began again. Musk took over twitter and we began to hear things that were previously hidden.

Leo is about world leaders . We can only imagine what may be happening when Mars is Rx in Leo for that period of time and what may be brought up from the past and what could be going on in the background after such important elections – how so much will need to be reviewed about the actions of previous leaders, the whole voting system and much more.

In the meantime we must stay on high alert for more shocks to come, remember that “once in a Blue Moon" has many faces, some can be miraculous- others pure luck and yet others just plain unheard of.
The energy build up to the Full Moon begins now . It will fall at 29 08 Capricorn and on that day Mars moves into Gemini bringing strength and courage to Gemini people and a need to lead the way verbally or physically.

As Mars enters the sign he will conjunct Sedna bringing a huge message for mankind around how we can help co-create the future and overcome the mistakes and sorrow of the past without too much animosity and judgement, as we all have the knowledge within us of how to heal self and the world around us if only we could believe in it.

Art by Susan Boulet.


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