On the 17th/18th July, (depending which country you are in) when the New Moon happens or close enough, the Moons nodes change signs from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra.
This is what I may call auspicious especially for Capricorns and Cancerians , Arians and Librans but also for the planet.
As the Nodes are a karmic/destiny influence how this plays out for all signs depends on our own specific life path choices but as the nodes are connected to the generational aspect of our lives as well as past lives they do cover a lot of ground so the possibilities are endless.
The New Moon will be 24 degrees 56 Cancer, pretty much 25 degrees so I'm thinking that degree anywhere in anyone’s chart could bring some clues as to what is ahead in the coming months for us. And of course this is all global so will affect world leaders and Gov bodies plus the planet itself especially politically as Libra is politics, equality and justice too , and Cancer is the people, families, our security , how we nurture others. It HAS to be a new beginning in these areas of note.
It will be a highly focused New Moon with the Moon almost Apogee, often as powerful as Perigee.
North Node Aries and South will be Libra. We have already been feeling the effect of these signs as we try to balance out from the powerful emotional month we have been navigating bringing some conflicts between “self” and “others”, whether to share time with others, or gaining needed alone time is one way this has been manifesting.
Taureans and Scorpio “types” (as ascending signs count ) could now be feeling a sense of having accomplished something important but difficult , especially so with Uranus setting off a lot of quite dramatic changes whilst transiting Taurus, which also effects the opposite sign of Scorpio and as I mentioned in the last post especially if you were born with your Sun 14 to 18 degrees in either sign.
Uranus is also creating changes of course for Leos and Aquarians via a square aspect.
Or if on ones MC or IC or Moon.
But back to the Nodes. The North Node is known as the Dragons head in Vedic astrology, the South Node(Dragons tail).
The North node has a general effect of Jupiter in our lives and the South more Saturnian but not always in a bad way. Its more karmic.
Both tell a story of fate and destiny. In this life the North Node, and your past lives the South Node although both can be read as a past life effect.
Every 18 months or so the lunar nodes change signs. An eclipse season occurs each time the line connecting these nodes, the line of nodes, points toward the sun.
Already this year there has however been an Anular eclipse at 29 degrees in the new sign series (Aries) even before the Nodes moved as they happen when in a close proximity to the Sun even if in another sign.
There will be still one more final eclipse in Taurus in Oct at 5 degrees. 28th/29th Oct. Because the Earth, Moon, and Sun have finite sizes, exact alignment of the lunar node line (i.e., an exact nodal alignment) and the Earth, Moon, and Sun are NOT needed for an eclipse. Just close enough alignment.
While the Nodes have been in Taurus/Scorpio we have seen power struggles between world leaders, power struggles between the people and the ruling bodies as it is this series that accompanied and led us into the Age of Aquarius that began with the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter at the end of 2020.
That set began in Nov/Dec 2021. Take note that this was almost exactly the same time as the New Age was moving in and when the Nodal bind had been strong in the heavens since the beginning of the virus epidemic and remained on and off until April of 2022 when Jupiter and Neptune also made a strong conjunction in Pisces, the first since 1856. The combination of these energies brought a great flow of light and release to the world after a time of severe controlling rules by Government that created so much fear around the planet.
The Moons nodes upon entering Taurus and Scorpio from January 2022 brought a great focus on food (Taurus) supplies including shortages around the world blamed on shipping mostly and the war that had developed speaking of power struggles with world leaders and other powers too.
In fact there were NO actual shortages although the most bizarre reasons were given which were nothing to do with the true reasons. There was never a shortage of eggs for instance although the excuses ranged from bird flu in USA, to ending cage eggs on my side of the world (still the same amount of chickens though) . I couldn’t get Certain brands of food or even Asprin in NZ for months as they came from Russia I was told but they are made in my own country or Australia according to the packets. And so it went on.
Property (Taurus) prices soared and housing shortages commenced more than ever before- with new and stricter rules on building so timber had to be shipped overseas for treatment and then shipped back adding to the cost of housing in NZ at least . (Sustainable living rules) Im sure it was equally bad elsewhere.
Banking comes under Taurus and Scorpio also and the economy, and we all know whats happening there .. The good news is the resulting eclipses change the status quote and every time they happen they bring breakthroughs in the areas that are stuck or oppressed.
The Scorpio Nodes and eclipses revealed a lot of hidden information in Gov areas and from the elite that control world finances.
They also FORCED us to face our shadow and learn more about self and the different layers of the physical/emotional world of trauma of simply being HUMAN on this earth but also revealing as the phoenix rising from the ashes, our true nature buried under physical/emotional years so we can now see the brightest of lights shining from the core of our being and that of others.
The Moons nodes have a global effect is the point and like the eclipses affect the signs of their occupancy more than others, and now they are moving to Aries Libra to herald a karmic time for growth in areas ruled by those signs for all of us, plus global matters relation to the signs.
So we have politics (Libra), which includes justice, balance and equality, cooperation of the positive type or the ‘sitting on the fence” with so many important policies, the inaction.
Aries is the physical drive and courage of the human individual “self”, action of the positive type or the anger and warlike tendency that can arise with the dictatorship rulers.
The fiery energies when the Libran scales tilt.
Aries is a distinctly MALE energy in the sense of action and “doing” in clearcut , direct ways. Libra is a male sign ruled by a female planet and I often thing this is why there is often hesitation about making firm decisions as there is some conflict there (there would not be if the right planet was ruler). I love the concept of Eris as a ruler being of the nature of Aries and Libra as it is but much more decisive but as an outer planet that hardly moves at all it wouldn’t really be suitable.
Equality of race and gender will come into focus like never before , a fair political system and more justice where it has been lacking world wide. The gender issue is already in effect via new Gov laws that are going to need a LOT of sorting in the state they are in re the ages involved as maturity is a factor not being totally considered in certain sensitive areas.
Dictatorship which is coming to us in brand new forms will be challenged by the people as will the imbalance of power between the rich and the poor, but not in the sense of communism.
These fated and karmic nodes will leave Aries/Libra in January 2025, with the last eclipse in Aries in March.
The eclipses that come from these nodal positions are going to bring about a major turnaround in our political system especially in April 2024 with a total solar eclipse on the 8th/9th April.
So bear that in mind with anything political of great importance happening in the world then.
Think on the last total solar eclipse in Sagittarius in Dec 2021 when a President fell, who had this eclipse on his own prenatal eclipse axis and near his Moon , opposite to his Sun, to see the power of such eclipses for changing a global dynamic like never before, opening up a kettle of fish , of corruption the world had not been aware of.
On a lighter note, we are experiencing the celebrations of Matariki in NZ at present, a time when the Pleiades can be seen rising at dawn for the first time. This is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead.
So Happy Matariki to all New Zealand folk!