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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

Its mid August and so much happening in the world including Mt Etna erupting for the first time in a while although it does erupt fairly regularly. It doesn’t surprise me a bit with the extreme solar flares still going on daily with another X flare heading to Earth now.

The name Etna comes from the Greek Aitne, from aithō, “I burn.”

Also the Full Moon in Aquarius, a sign that rules mountains, is coming in 4 days time which happens to be Perigee the day after.
Perigee itself (closest to the Earth Moon ) almost always brings more and bigger EQs as well as more often than not volcanic eruptions somewhere on the globe.

The Moon as it moves around the Earth, the closer it is causes a kind of bulge in the areas it passes like a giant magnet, so when its closer to Earth it’s a bigger pull under the surface.

A colleague of mine Ken Ring, a weather astrologer writes about the 3 “tides” which affect water, earth, and air, so this accounts for all activity beneath the surface , our tides , rainfall etc and atmosphere as well. And of course we people and other creatures of the Earth somewhere in there feeling all of it.

During times of Eclipses or Perigee the Van Allen belts that protect our planet can be a little off centre so some of the extra rays from the Solar flares can get to the surface of our planet which can affect power and communication systems.

At any rate we are in a very volatile week with strong planetary aspects (angles) happening as well.

Yesterday it was the war-like Mars conjunct Jupiter, which also brings the true leaders out into the open to have their say and the lessor leaders to challenge them, so a lot of heated actions and moods, globally and personally no doubt.

It wasn’t all bad being a conjunction. but Mercury did go back into Leo and was quincunx Pluto so that’s bringing up a lot of old passions and maybe thoughts of revenge for some.

This approaching Full Moon will be felt mainly by Leos and Aquarians so some extremes of feeling will occur, and the way I see it, this includes world leaders too. I hope they have some knowledge of the lunar power or other Astrological meanings as there is a lot happening in the heavens just now.

“As above , so below”.

Today the Sun trines Chiron in Aries which is a positive , helpful aspect promoting a little more wisdom coming to the surface and care for our planet and beings on it from whose who really "know" whats happening.

Mercury is quincunx to Neptune, quintile to Mars, both more helpful aspects for negotiations and solutions, although there are some clouded areas mentally for some.
Beliefs are strong though which may or may not be a positive.

Mars is squaring Saturn about now so that is like being between a rock and a hard place for many of us. This one is at 17 degrees Gemini and Pisces. If this is near any of your natal chart planets or angles (its a :critical" degree, you may feel it but if you have a positive aspect of those planets at birth it could be a positive for studied , planned action, red tape too, otherwise there could be some head-butting happening.

Arians, Pisceans, Geminis , Capricorns will notice it most no doubt .

Globally we can see the effect with different countries and world leaders vying for power and validation of their attitudes and actions especially in areas of ongoing wars.

Theres a lot of bending of rules and laws happening to suit the agendas of various leaders , some who are refusing help to refugees of countries that are being judged for the actions of a few who reside there, or worse for their belief system.

In two days Mercury will square Uranus, beginning the more radical thoughts and actions to follow and the day before the Full Moon Venus will oppose Saturn, meaning there will be those who harden their hearts and do what they think has to be done even if it causes death and sorrow, turning their backs on those who are needing help , victims of war for instance.

This will happen at 17 degrees also Pisces and Virgo… Courage will be needed by many around this time and not a lot of support.

However the SUN will be exactly conjunct Mercury on this day with new and important information suggesting there will be support for many and some will be celebrating even if
others are not. Mercury's square to Jupiter will bring good news for some and supportive thoughts and actions.

Its something of a fated time IMO around the 18th/19th, depending which country you are in.

By this time we will be well into the energy of the Full Moon on the 18th in most countries and 19th in Aust and NZ.

On the Full Moon day Sun will square Uranus so this makes for the unexpected and a bit of chaos. A few lightning bolts as well whatever form they come in .
Jupiter squaring Saturn 17 degrees Gemini and Pisces suggests something could be expensive and require some negotiations including any agreements, or contracts signed around this time…

Again if you have a good relationship between those planets in your birthchart, it could be a very good thing indeed . This Full Moon is going to bring a peak time for many to carry out something they may have been putting off for a very long time.

Although there may be an unexpected outcome and a few twists to achieve what you want.

Its probably more likely we will get what we need!

This Full Moon will stretch out until at least until the 22nd due to Perigee being later the following day , 21st where I am and 20th where most of you are .

The build up to the Full Moon which we are in now is one of the strongest of the year for unusual happenings, war like energies, but also some pretty amazing interventions and solutions (Sun conjunct Rx Mercury. Sun square Uranus) as some of the past mistakes seem to be rectified hopefully by more peaceful means than some of the planetary effects are suggesting.

There appears to be a distraction about to happen that could bring our attention to something so different and strange that our minds will be brought back to basics fairly rapidly, and a truce is called for the ongoing human condition for want of a better description.

Be safe in the week ahead people and please try to keep things simple and safe unless you are well schooled in areas of life that require survival skills beyond 101.

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