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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

The Full Moon today is a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces which I’ll try not to complain about as Saturn in this sign is not being helpful just now to many of we fish or Virgos for that matter as Virgo is involved in this being the opposite sign where the Sun is now...
If this eclipse is on an exact or almost degree, or opposite to a Virgo planet the same or point then this one could bite a bit or may already have for both signs.

Eclipses have an effect up to a week before and after or much longer in some cases, especially if Total and especially if it’s a global matter.
After the event they can be triggered by the close planets when they set off the eclipse degree and when that is part of a strong pattern in a natal chart then big things happens that spread wide and far. This is a fated matter.

Their biggest effect if total is a global one for sure such as the total solar eclipse in Aries in April that is ongoing due to the many unusual aspects that day and Venus crossing the Aries eclipse degree near the big rare aspect of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

I had said at the time a woman will be involved strongly in the election race as that set of eclipses is political involving Libra. We now have a woman who is Libran ruled by Venus running for President of USA. Her Moon is in Aries. Her sun is exactly on that April total eclipse degree bar minutes
That total eclipse was the second of the series that began in Sept the year before and will end in March 2025.

T r u m p also has planets in Libra on this axis and the next Libran solar eclipse is at the midpoint of his Neptune and Chiron with the last in March next year being opposite that point in his money zone .

This current one in Pisces forms a trine with his Saturn which could well have saved his life in the last few days. That and Jupiter on his North node near his Sun and sextile to his powerful Mars.

However I digress . This eclipse is at 25 40 Pisces and by now you will know if it has been a positive Full Moon eclipse or not so much.
I will inform you though that this Pisces eclipse was square to T r u m p s Sun and Moon and Pisces is his 8th house (death) ruler. But he is a lucky man this year.

These eclipses wherever they are break down stuck situations in our lives and I will be pleased when this one is over in a few hours from when I post this.

As the Perigee comes the following day it’s important to realise the effects WILL be a bit stretched out this time AND extreme with a ripple effect coming for many people.
This is a BIG turning point for many of us in our spiritual journeys or belief systems one could say, and in some ways it could be a time of miracles, so we cant rule them out when Pisces is involved. Ive seen one or two already and also experienced the negatives, the expected too as it is on my IC, a sensitive angle in my chart ruled by Pisces. As is my Sun.
Pisces is an enlightening sign and takes us into other dimensional realities, helps us tune in to messages from “up there” as well as nature around us so signs appear in the form of animals or birds , sea creatures, I was looking at a seal when I lost my phone to the ocean.

Generally the signs are helpful and enlightening if we know how to read them. Mine was clearly about too much communication and needing a break from the mental overload happening, emotional too, seeing the ocean was involved. Even a seals symbolism is about “play” but I was having trouble spotting in amongst the big waves.
So this is a big day for Pisces in general and should take them out of a bind if there has been one, release them from difficult situations and give them a boost spiritually and creatively for the year ahead. It can do the same for anyone who is seeking the same.

As Virgo is also involved, these eclipses every 6 months (and they do intermingle for a while with the other set) will help us all balance our left/right brains so the male/female energies are working together much more. This in turn will help us change our belief systems if necessary and increase our empathy to our fellow man hopefully also.
It will help stop the effect of the strong, impulsive Arian energies permeating around our planet this year, that is stop the more aggressive, dominant side of it and bring more of the new creativity out that Fire energy is so good at.

Mercury is opposing Saturn during this period of the eclipse at 15 degrees Pisces and Virgo. This aspect is known for a perhaps strict negative approach, and it can make decisions difficult so the best advice I have is to wait for two days before you make important decisions but on the other hand these decisions might be taken out of our hands.
This would be especially so if we are Pisces,Virgo, Gemini or Capricorn.

Keeping positive people around us during this Full Moon period is important, also using our mantras and affirmations as much as we can as they may be needed.
I have had a more than usually negative week. The fact this Mecury/Saturn aspect happens with the eclipse is a good explanation as to why its been a little harder than usual to find humour around me as my Moon in Sag usually does that well.

I had a few annoying things happen during the week amongst which was a filling come out – easy to fix this time, the ocean took my phone (don’t ask but it involved a big wave surge on a sandy beach and an open pocket + quick movement on my part to avoid being swamped on a very windy wild Central Coast day.

Another matter did involve a possible radiator leak in a car so all very Piscean so far the medical – the ocean – the cooling system in a vehicle also ruled by Pisces.

My IC is Pisces so that’s my family and security zones , something also on my mind as there is severe family illness in my very close family circle.

And as T Saturn is still in my sign on my Mercury near my IC, its all very karmic Saturnian energy is exaggerated due to the Full Moon plus aspect but it will pass..

On the subject of the Pisces eclipse effects I have had news of shootings, (schools are covered by Pisces and Neptune being 12th house with Jupiter also involved in the old rulership), explosions caused by gaseous substances have been on our news, and much more on the approach to this one.
I've seen a lot of flooding world wide and extreme weather this last week .

The solar flares are still happening very often.

I tell you these facts so students of astrology can take note and so you will know the effects of planets as this is how we learn and where the information in the books came from, experience and observation as well as the legends of the Gods the constellations and planets were named from.

This is all passed down from ancient times so when new technology, science etc brings us something new we have to work out which planet rules them such as vehicles which is Pisces as it used to be horses that carried us from place to place or other large animals. Jupiter may have something to do with this too but “Neptunes horses” are legend. Talking of which there have been a lot of car accidents here on the coast and in Sydney in the last week also

I will say HAPPY FULL MOON ECLIPSE PISCEANS as it really is a time of change and blessings long term at the least .
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