Aneika, thank you. My ability woke up in 2012 after several months of using the pendulum to do these soul retrieval practices. What happened mostly was that my higher chakras opened up to allow for my I AM Presence to take over and show to me in drawings past lives here on Earth and offworld and also of other people. Some people already have opened up to the ability but their connection is not clear enough to channel full drawings. It really takes too much patience and a certain degree of discernment. One thing I do is to for example start a drawing of a glimpse of a being I see in a vision, because normally I do not see all their details. Lately though I am starting to see them more and more clearly.
Then, after drawing some details I allow spirit to come forth and just move my hand automatically.
I do not have the whole method written, mostly because I really do not recommend the pendulum for dowsing words until the individual is integrated enough to retrieve accurate data which can be done more easily by other means like the QHHT methods, or meditation over time. However, the pendulum can be used daily in this way to start triggering the ability:
Hold it with your right hand and then ask your Higher Self to help you retrieve enough energy to trigger the ability to do automatic drawing.
I must warn though that you might end up processing a lot of emotional stuff. At least in my case it was very difficult, because each time the pendulum spinned, I would retrieve too much trauma.
We cannot see the true shape of beings because of our soul fragmentation and also because of fear. Some beings really look strange to the human eye. Some Pleiadians for example do not look at all like us. Usually beings show up to us in ways that are comfortable for us to see, but their true shape might just be something unexpected, but when you get to really see them, they look as physical as us.
I currently have some works in progress but lately the energies are too high to be able to finish them.
I do have an old site with my first channeled sketches that you can see in here:
As you can see most of them are in full shape in pencil but back then when I channeled them I could not see them in visions or with eyes closed.