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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

I was so caught up in Full Moon energy yesterday I didn’t notice the extreme aspects in my ephemeris, which account for the activity in my neck of the woods, that revealed muddled communication that had resulted in my window screens not all being installed . The most important window being forgotten.
(the symbolism now I write it will be thought about later!)
A seemingly small thing but connected to another matter that had been puzzling me but this incident explained a lot more than one would expect. Full Moons reveal a lot and bring out what is hidden for all to see. ( which answers the symbolism question for me in fact).

As I wrote this I felt a small EQ which is rare here and a storm just rolled in off the Pacific ocean, or it may be the Tasman sea still were I am. I think its where they join.
Yesterday with the Moon in Pisces Mercury moved into Scorpio, so thoughts have taken on a different dimensional level, more depth of thought and more clarity in understanding whats going on beneath the surface. This is also very Jungian I am finding as there is all sorts o f weird and wonderful stuff in that realm we are not always aware of until things get weird enough to take notice.
Robert Anton Wilson called it “Chapel Perilous” in his book “Cosmic Trigger.” Its one of my bibles along with Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda and several of Lobsang Ramps Books thrown in, There are others.

Geminis and Virgos will feel this depth of Mercurys move as will Scorpios and others of that "type” of person, all of us basically will notice it. Mercury will remain in Scorpio until the 3rd Nov.

The Gemini in the running for US President will use it to his advantage and have no stone uncovered to keep himself protected in that period as the planets this year have more than the usual effect on those in power. This election is more important for the world than any in our history as it involves not just u s a but the world as the u n is ia key player due to their 21/30 very real a g e n d a . Which is NOT a conspiracy theory. Their association with the w e f is legend by now and in turn their influence on most world governing bodies and our media therefore that reaches the every day person who mostly believes it thinking they are being good people to go along with the status quo . And their motives probably are good from their own personal karma and wo uld be if we were in “normal” times only we haven’t been for quite some time now, if ever. Imo.
I was schooled by a family member to make sure I put "imo" as we all see the world through different eyes but we ALL have a big effect on it-

Yesterday Mercury was with Haumea the Polynesian Goddess planet, whose pure energy is natural and flowing so she can help with the ease of passage from one state to another whether physical, emotional or mental, spiritual too as she existed at a time when spirit was manifesting into all forms of matter.
Her alignment with the feminine, the archetype within us, has a strong , deep connection to Nature, and the divine source of creativity as well as to natural law, right action, right relating, and truth-telling.

Mercury also squared Pluto which blends so well with Mercury into Scorpio it doesn’t need repeating.
Only we can leave blame and revenge or jealousy out of the picture for the best results, focus on the researching of “why” and what to do about it for self and our own shadow work.
Releasing the inner shaman is one of my suggestions and looking to nature for the signs from birds, animals and anything or anyone that crosses our path with a little strangeness or difference that catches our attention.

The Sun was trine to Jupiter which kind of saved the day for the power of good, so if there were negatives there was a positive to help and make everything better than before
This happened at 21 degrees Gemini and Libra.

The emotional pain, maybe physical too came from Chirons square to Mars at 21 degrees Cancer and Aries. That also explains a lot for the signs involved and also Arian type people.
Sometimes pain, even accidents or operations are needed to get a message through from our “tummy brain” to the physical brain so our own inner self healing power and wisdom is released and accessible.

So that’s it for yesterday except it was a Gibbous Moon phase beginning which means it’s a time for organizing, integrating, and planning, analysing and perfecting for the coming days before the Full Moon when the plan made near the New Moon finally bears fruit.

Today Venus opposes Uranus at 26 degrees Scorpio to Taurus which is one of the extraordinary aspects of weird and/or wonderful, when emotional shocks are possible to get us out of a rut if we are a bit stuck but then this whole Full Moon post eclipse period is like that and we should embrace the changes , the letting go and the new that offers itself although we should check that out fairly thoroughly too, IF we get a choice.
New people, new feelings will present themselves as an option or offer too good to refuse but try to stay a little grounded at least as it could be one of those “beyond this place there be dragons" situations.
Aquarians, Taureans, Librans AND Scorpios will notice this a lot Id say

Lets see what The Venus trine to Neptune tomorrow brings as that is a little more calm even if otherworldly. Let your higher self come close enough to guide you with dreams or special visitations from the spirit world. Pisceans, Scorpios , Taureaans and Librans again highlighted.
In two days the Perigee Full Moon arrives late night here on the 17th just before midnight . NZ gets it just after Midnight on the 18th.

The Sun will conjunct Juno empowering us with ancestral wisdom especially around relationships and family patterns which will be a theme to work on, a major turning point for us all with regard to “self” and how we relate and how we can do better in the future when it comes to letting go totally of those imprints we have such trouble shaking out of our psyches, as they become such a habit.

And Kaali conjuncts the GA! But thats a story all of its own. What are we being drawn into? and what is it awakening within us?

So lets be different as Venus is suggesting but lets do it calmly, mindfully, bravely and firmly with soul.

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