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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand


Saturn is now at station tomorrow which is quite a major factor for Capricorns and Pisces people in particular, Saturn being in Pisces still until next year 2025. He moves into Aries in May 2025 and then back to Pisces in Sept until the beginning of 2026.

The Station point is important for all of us in fact as a turning point.

This is his last Rx before he moves into Aries in fact so important globally in the sense of a chance for Govs and legal systems to rectify past wrongs world wide and bringing back a little compassion towards those who have been judged and punished for speaking out against the very harsh movements against free speech in the last years (and more) when Saturn was first in Capricorn and then in Aquarius, the latter being a transit that should have brought those very freedoms expected in this New Aquarian age.

But it seems first the universe wants us all to be confronted by the way life shouldn't be so we can change the voting system so it works for mankind instead of against it , where peoples rights and freedom are not thwarted by those who think they know what's best for us all in the "not ok parent" way .
Saturn also rules parents and parenting, of the more patriarchal type.

Sometimes the Aquarian energies on their lower octave for instance can express “ we are all equal but some are more equal than others”. This new system began when Saturn he was in that sign.

A station point by any planet puts a focus on the aspects it has been forming in the last months , in Saturn's case 12 degrees Pisces to 19 and then after the station, he will move back over the same degrees.
It’s the hard aspects to other mutable signs we must take note of most or to angles in our birth charts such as ascending sign , descending sign , MC and IC.

An example is the square to my Uranus in Gemini. Saturn in a hard angle to this planet brings difficulties or changes with red tape, and connections to companies or banks, and for myself in moving to another country there is a lot to sort with the same regarding NZ and Aust as it means changing bank , sorting the reciprocal privileges and agreements between the two countries for security matters. It’s a very complex system now with the new Gov rules resulting from a new world system called Agenda 21 /30 to “make the world a better place" but which has in fact meant that all companies are cutting out people contact in favour of internet and phone systems that actually take more than twice as long to get the same result, hours in fact.

Saturn is also conjunct my Mercury in this phase until Nov at least which isn’t a negative and in fact helps me focus on any cerebral areas that need attention, writing, problem solving , and an actual person who maybe be helpful to me such as a Gemini or Virgo person .(My new landlord is Gemini and has a Pisces Moon.)

This station point date is a time to make adjustments and decisions in relation to the meanings of your current Saturnian issues and take some weight off your shoulders for the coming months until Nov so things work better for you.

It’s a time when the meaning of Saturn's influence for each and every one of you is brought out to look at, positive or not before you carry on into this next phase.

This happens at 19 degrees 25 Pisces . The Sabian symbol is ( we use 20 degrees , the next one ), is “A table set for an evening meal”. This is saying that the situation has been prepared well. Everything is in place other than the substance and those to appreciate it so patience is needed now. It’s a reassurance that after hard work your needs will be met. Ahead is comfort and sustenance.

So after any hard aspects of Saturn during these months we should reap some rewards after this date.

Remember that Saturn always has a lot to do with authorities, parenting , or parents , also self authority and good old common sense .

The Moon will be in Aries on this day and we have a positive aspect of Mercury and Uranus, Cancer to Taurus so there is a hint of some unique outcomes to add to the structure that Saturn is trying to bring out way .

Venus opposing Ceres, Cancer to Capricorn suggests we do need to temper our emotional needs with the practical.
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