Sirius, New Atlantis and Orion: Battles In The Stars and The New Shift (1 Viewer)

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Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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henda submitted a new article

From Sirius, to New Atlantis and then Orion, there were battles during the last week of June between light warriors and beings from other planets, who have been keeping entrapped souls in these galaxies for eons.

I projected there surrounded by my guides' protection to help free these souls.

I was in battle field on Sirius the first night... It was a real mess.

So I felt guided to write this note as so much has been going on during the weekend since Friday night from June 23 to Sunday 25, 2018. Many are for sure sensitive to what is happening now and can feel this shift in a very personal and intuitive way. This is the time where a major changing is occurring in our journey through ascension.
What’s happening exactly...
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Collected Consciousness
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Jul 19, 2016
I love the star of Sirius Henda. Thank you for that and thank you for taking the time to relate your adventures to us all.

I feel somewhat disconnected from it all though, it is so far removed from how I am experiencing the energies and the shifts. I rarely dream, certainly do not recall OBE's but some of the dreams I have had lately, few and far between, are about meeting old friends.

My battles seem to be on Earth, but the same rules apply. Love, trust and acceptance.

Say Hi to Sirius B for me next time you are there.
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Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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I wonder Henda what would happen to you here on Earth if you are wounded in some way during one of those battles.
If I am wounded I receive healing in one of the galactic hospitals related to the place I am in. It always happens that way. I see myself being carried in a white space with a long corridor surrounded with doors. And they just send me to one of the rooms to get healing. every room has its own healing characteristics ! Does this responds to what you were waiting for ?
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Mystic Healer and Astral Explorer Author
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Here are three pictures of me with Julian my extraterrestrial contactee I took during the last 3 days : the first one is in my car, you can see his head behind me and his long neck. The second and third one in my living room on July 16, 17, 18. he is always near by whenever I am. This is real ! I love this guy/ being ! These are the most amazing shapes he can take when he is okay with being shot by my camera. At night, when I lay on my bed, he is floating like blue-brown-golden filaments doing very dynamic movements in a bubble filled with stars. Do you like my face ;-)


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