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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

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With all that’s happening just now on all levels on this planet including a grid emergency with the extreme solar flares plus Auroras happening in places like NZ that have barely ever seen them before, I do need to mention the conjunction of the Sun and Uranus taking place tomorrow that will be in effect now.

This happening at 23 degrees Taurus very close to the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus last month around the 20th as Venus was passing the eclipse degree and when I expected a huge global event to shock the world into forgetting all the ancient outdated grievances that keep the world at war and give added power to the elite who run almost everything on this planet or have until now.

The triggering of the total solar eclipse degree had begun but obviously was not completed which this Astrologer recognised a little later realising Mars was still to set things totally in motion which is beginning now..

Ongoing solar flares and some majorly important decisions by the U N are signs of changing times.

The lead up to Mars crossing the eclipse point on the 26th May has begun. I do think this will be a drawn out process happening at least a week before the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd May in most counties.

NZ is the only country it will happen early hours of the 24th and maybe New Caledonia.

Within 3 days after that Full Moon JUPITER will add his power to Mars triggering the eclipse energy by passing into Gemini on the 26th preceded by Venus entering on the 23rd.
These planets close to each other are a VERY good thing, a kind of protection we can use at this stage of proceedings politically and otherwise..

Traditionally Mars crossing the total eclipse degree will be the influence that brings direct results of the meaning of the eclipse which is a fiery factor in this case being in Aries but a very powerful new beginning also for a new cycle which aligns with Pluto in Aquarius to launch this Age of Aquarius that is actually finally happening, as many signs are there which I have been over a few times now. Mars is the ruler of the eclipse.

People would have noticed by now the amount of little annoying accidents – burns, bruises or bumps, kitchen incidents, as well as various hot tempers and clashes, road rage and more that have been happening. The number of knife attacks in Aust has increased dramatically in the last two weeks.

There could be more of the same before the fiery Full Moon so we must all take care' but amongst all the negatives there will be some extreme positives too as I am noting.

My days have been full of a mix of accidents (nothing serious), clashes with one or two people and miracles that have brought great joy.
A very strange time indeed.

But now we have this conjunction of Uranus and the Sun, a classic for unusual events, rebellion, "suddenness" of all sorts so we must prepare for the unusual, different and even shocking, and protect ourselves in the coming few days .

This conjunction is part of the entire package of ECLIPSE PLUS JUPITER /URANUS and Mars in Aries about to cross the eclipse degree.

I still believe what is happening globally, politically and on our Sun right now has something to do with a massive change for mankind that is brewing , as well as unusual phenomena which we are now experiencing with this solar activity that has not happened for a very long time. You can all research that as its totally relevant to changes on our planet and also to communication, not to mention the effect on our bodies and minds/emotions.

Even the UN's latest decision is a big move towards world peace even if some do not agree with this including apparently at least two world leaders.
I’m thinking there will be something well out of the ordinary that could change many lives and distract us from every day affairs so the world all thinks as one for a while.

The degree of tomorrows conjunction is 23 and it stands to reason that Taureans born around this time or those with planets or points near that degree or from 21 to 24 will feel this on some level of their being as a shift of some kind, something unexpected for sure.

And there will be many downloads of information for all of us this month with all this strange energy coming in from the solar system.

Leos and Aquarians should get a hit of the same but the Sun means all of us and especially world leaders being involved somehow. Someone has a shock coming.!

The Sabian symbol is “ An Indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging at his belt” . This sounds alarming but it speaks of courage and being recognised for certain skills that it takes to be a successful leader who is prepared to put themselves at risk to be great. Its about the risks taken being admired and respected even though there may be fear from some. It is about claiming ones soil and ones due , fighting for ones territory, about survival and basic instincts even some ruthlessness if needed.
(reminds me of Eris energy ).

Its important with all going on, solar flares included, to ground ourselves when we can in the coming days , stay as calm as we can while these energies wash over us, whatever their purpose as this is heady stuff for sure,

Yesterday the crescent Moon phase began , the phase after the New Moon when its time to act more on previous plans or decisions ,a time to collect more information, make contacts and learn more to help with our plans and projects.
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