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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

Gemini 3 sb.jpg

The Sun moves into Gemini today to shine light in the month ahead on all these bright, clever and talkative people who just love to communicate ideas to all who want to hear, and sometimes those who do not.

And what a month it is for Geminis as Venus will move into their sign as well in 4 days which is on their relationship Full Moon in Sag , and then Jupiter will follow on the 26th. Mercury on the 3rd June.

So these moves including todays are watched over closely by Sedna, the dwarf planet named after the Inuit sea goddess who was betrayed by her father but became immortal, becoming the caretaker and provider for her people.

This is suggesting there is much more to this Gemini month than usual .adding an influence of a "great revealing" on many different levels but ultimately Sedna's input is about people's expanding consciousness so we are no longer being a collective victim to the patriarchal system.

Today as the Sun hits the 0 degree of Gemini there is a conjunction with Sedna. Its important to note the Sabian symbol (we always take the next degree for the symbol as the planets always move forward even if they appear to move backward in relation to the Earth.
And wouldn’t you know it the symbol is “A glass bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders”.

In my opinion this says it all . This is exactly what I had been thinking re Sedna, that this Gemini season is about our expanding consciousness in this New Age we are entering, and being able to see deeper into self and others, as in the past so much of self and others has been hidden as has the darker side of humanity and the powers that rule us.

So there are hints of a more objective uninvolved perspective without blame and judgement, (or the darker side of Gemini which is gossip and misinformation of the worst sort – not to mention the blame and lack of understanding of our actual connection to others and all that is ), as blame only adds to the energy we are trying to escape from even if we are all capable of the same in our darker moments.
Everything we perceive in others is a reflection of ourselves , either gone or still to deal with.

This symbol speaks of observing an environment we are not totally comfortable with but still being ready to learn about and look deeper into.

We are developing more intuition and ability to see into the collective unconscious. So in this time ahead we will all have access to new spiritual gifts if we open up to the unknown.
I KNOW many of you are doing this and it takes great courage, some inner and outer suffering as well.

Sednas influence in regard to Governing bodies is “parent” energy – as Govs have always been this and always will be. The “bad’ not ok parent is the harsh dictatorship, thinking they know best as the people are the “children” so they make controlling laws for our “own good” immediately setting up the superiority of their rulership and natures in relation to the “common” people.

There are ancient more evolved ways to bring people together in harmony so they work together without fear, wars, gender discrimination etc, age discrimination also.

We all have it within ourselves to be wise if we are guided by those who are wise. There is nothing in the choosing of our leaders that tests the wisdom and goodness of those who rule, only media and competition, blame and trashing of characters. Those leaders have to “fight fire with fire” so to speak. Humility in a leader would surely be treated as weakness by the collective.

The message today from the Sun and Sedna with Sun moving to Gemini is not to be victims, to rise above our limitations, transform to a higher status of spirituality and perception while keeping human strong boundaries, as if you read the legend Sedna did some bargaining regarding what she gave to her people and rightly so after the cruelty she suffered.
We are now dealing with a higher energy even if it does not appear so.

Gemini is about communicating, networking , and not keeping everything to ourselves any longer so naturally much will be revealed on the media and much will change with the media especially when Jupiter enters for the year ahead after the Full Moon clears the air.

Jupiter will bring a greater need for verbal freedom ,wanting to expand the same , so we will all want to be part of that to learn more about everything then convey it to others.

Many people will take up new studies in the times ahead . They will be compelled to by their own psyches.
If you ARE a Gemini you will become ”more” of who you are.

The rest of us will become more of what Gemini means in our natal (birth) charts or solar charts.

For instance mine is home/family and security and work/service, health which could include my own healing work, writing etc
Many people will be writing their books by the way in this phase.

But generally its an exciting month when we will all become wiser, more motivated and optimistic about life.

There will be more travel in general , short journeys or long and more foreign contact for all of us. The world will both expand and become easier to access as well.

New airlines will emerge and old ones should flourish even if they need a revamp as more people will WANT to travel.

Pallas is highlighted in the heavens in the two days ahead, suggesting there are many new discussions taking place, some between countries involving Jupiter prior to moving into Gemini , some political and perhaps coming under peace talks, but the fiery Full Moon still has to happen and Mars is currently still approaching the eclipse degree 19 Aries which is also a very interesting read for those who want to research it .

Look at 20 degrees Aries if so as first it appears as kindness to suffering beings but then, with more thought we see that really its about encouraging a reliance that has to be maintained and prevents said beings from finding their own solutions.

Lots of food for thought with that when it comes to the world scene. Or even personally for some of us.

Art by the late, great Susan Boulet

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