I know this is late but blame Saturn on my Mercury just now.
Two days ago the Sun moved into Pisces to shine light on all the sensitive, intuitive, creative, multidimensional people of this sign, which is a combination of all the other signs being last in the zodiac.
I couldn’t write about this yesterday as I had an incident with my laptop where water came through a window before I could get to it, and is now out of action maybe permanently. This is sad AND expensive for me.
Saturn has been transiting my Mercury in Pisces for a long time and is now moving away but began a chain of bad luck on his way past. There is nothing else to call it except bad luck in this last part of the transit. Only Higher self knows why these things have happened and there WERE others.
Mars is about to station in Cancer as well, still Rx and OOB on my Saturn where he has been in the same time frame as Saturn /Mercury happening so two such transits can cause havoc. Its plain mean in fact. But I must deserve it on some level of being .
After the station point which is the 23rd /24th many of us should be able to breathe a sign of relief although we have until April before the transits Mars has made in Cancer and the first degrees of Leo are over. The Leo transits are much more positive than the Cancerian ones as Mars has been overly emotional there and chaotic in actions. Just a tad out of control for sure as we can see by the happenings in the world that do in fact involve Cancerians and those with a strong Mars. The two most hated and most loved people . What a paradox!
But lets talk about Sun in Pisces bringing out our Pisces best in the next 4 weeks.
The people that come under this signs energies are healers, such as Natural Healers, doctors, nurses,, all coming under this signs rays as well as physicists(Einstein) , artists, those that work on or near oceans including fisheries, oil rigs, psychics, racing car drivers (Neptunes horses, as many famous drivers are ruled by this sign), teachers and lawyers, Police to – the sort that really WANT to help people have this sign strong in them. I have lawyers and police on my list of clients over the years so I know!
Jupiter's old rulership of the sign includes law and education. Pisces does have a focus on children I have noticed.
Pisces is also about nature and animals , larger animals mainly such as horses, elephants. Virgo is all about the birds and smaller animals as a rule, insects too.
The list could go on and most of us know the negatives of Pisces sign such as lack of boundaries as we do tend to naturally psychically blend with others whether we want to or not.
There are many addicts of various kinds of this sign as there is the escapism that is strong and a need to return to the source which brings that search for the “bliss” consciousness. (hence drugs, alcohol)
But there are many ways to seek and enjoy this escape from life and our feelings that are healthy such as music, or meditation, as opposed to medication.
Pisces is a sign that likes to blend people together, its adaptable , compassionate and caring, empathic, flowing
There are Fish and there are Whales. Im pretty sure it was Linda Goodman who said this. The Whales are capable of leadership to the extreme which is not always a Pisces trait, unless Leo or Aries is strong in the birth chart or Sun, Mars near the horizon.
And its important for Virgos to know that the Sun is shining on their relationships just now and bringing support and great people into their auras.
The shift of energies Aquarius to Pisces, the impersonal to the personal plus Junos move from Scorpio to Sagittarius could have caused some in depth feelings of old resentments and family wounds to transform via the higher mind to something more positive, even adventurous, and I do believe I felt that in the last few days.
The Pisces new beginning New Moon will be on the 28th February in Aust and NZ at 9 degrees 41, and probably most other places in the world as well.
This is the time for Pisces people to do their planning and make their decisions about the important matters in their lives especially if it involves their creativity or intuition.
The same can be said for all of us especially in the areas of our lives ruled by the house Pisces covers.
There will be 7 planetary bodies including the North node in Pisces on that day with Mars trine Vesta in Scorpio and the stellium in Pisces.
As Mars will then be direct in motion Im pretty sure we Fish will feel pushed into action and not feeling sorry for ourselves after the difficult times many have had, with Saturn in their sign in the last three years although there is a lot to be said for the patience and resilience we have developed and the opportunity like no other to face our weaknesses and our strengths.
Then Virgos/Pisces have a total lunar eclipse to maneuver mid March on the 14th at 23 56 which is exactly on my midheaven , just a little bit fated Id say for this Fish.
So this should be a big turning point for many Virgos and Pisces in relationship and direction and with a twist for sure.
I will try not to be travelling exactly on this date as the energies will be a little erratic Id say and the little things of life could get in the way including paper work, delays etc.
We can all expect a shift in political power for the better around the 12th March when the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Pisces at 22 degrees . This is a once off so its important and will help those who feel victimized by the strong new leadership coming in.
Saturn in Pisces was always about doing more for those who have suffered in last years from the extreme tyranny of the c o v i d years that wreaked havoc with health and economy, travel and so much more. The fall out is still around and the confusion, lack of trust, and too many unnescessary rules plus a failing medical system.
Id say the Virgo Full Moon eclipse is going to bring all that to a head anyway as its all about our health and wellbeing – the medical system and all it entails, not to mention food and diet, a healthy lifestyle.
So much to come in the year ahead and Saturn is always the structure of it all but he has been quite harsh to many of we Fish this time around and I wont mind when he leaves the sign.
Im excited to see the results at the end of March when Neptune moves into Aries, but Ill write about my thoughts on that another time.