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Jul 30, 2016
New Zealand

Today the Sun moves into Scorpio to shine light on all born under these power filled rays.

This is the month for all Scorpio peoples to regain their own power if they have weakened under the onslaught of the heavy energies of the year since April's total eclipse gave us all a wakeup call for the reality of what's happening in our world, and what it means at this time in Earths history.
We are coming to a peak of these major changes bestowed on us by the creator energy of the Universe around us that demands these very changes as the Earth moves further up into the galactic centre where there are many more powerful Suns with rays that can reach our own Sun , and therefore we who live on one of our Suns most beautiful planets that teems with life and love amongst the present chaos.
Life that came from distant stars so long ago as spirit blended with physical forms.

Much is happening between the last Full Moon in Aries , the sign where it all began , and the Full Moon in Taurus which will fall at the same time Saturn moves into direct motion for the last time before heading to a new sign so start a new round.
What a powerful day that will be or the days around it, 16th Nov 2024.

This again is a Perigee “close to the Earth” Moon falling at 24 Taurus.

A strong aspect of Sun opposing Uranus follows mid Nov, so this is promised to be a time of great surprises and unexpected happenings for the entirely planet, or around that time frame.
I think we will remember this month ahead more than any other month for a very long time – well into our future.

In the meantime its time for Scorpio people to come into their own which will peak on their new beginning New Moon on the 1st/2nd Nov.

The Sun is with Haumea today, the creator Goddess that brings us closer to the source of “all that is” to nature, and all that is natural in our world, including natural law, to right action, right motives in all that we do , to teach us to recognise the God/creator energy in all around us and to know that we all matter and have an effect on the world around us and therefore our future.

Nature and the living beings around us are where comfort and healing lie when all else fails in our world, especially due to the actions of people with their prejudices and weaknesses, their need for power over other living beings, their disregard for the basic things of life and our planet, all that matters most to sustain life
and keep it healthy on all levels of “being.”

The Scorpio month ahead brings the need to go deeper within for answers and to dig out the truth that is hidden, to expose the darker forces that are part of life, the hidden things, the shadow that can for some turn into corruption that has grown over centuries like a disease fueled by dark forces.

The period over the last 4 years has exposed that darkness and we have all felt it like never before as our freedom and own God given personal sovereignty has been threatened and oppressed by new rules that control us.

But nature will come back as it always does and has its own rules which include a natural karmic law that it turns on those who betray it.

Betrayal is a theme we carry with us into this period of time when great change will occur but it is the unknown as to how this will manifest in the months ahead exactly.

Today to add to this Scorpio force coming in and the war on the darker aspect of mankind, the Sun squares Pluto , the ruler of Scorpio still in Capricorn where he is definitely still finishing the last touches of sorting out the old systems of “blame, punish and control " in Capricorn ruled Gov systems, that have come from the age of Kali yuga which is a great cycle and now is ending before we enter the Golden age. (For those who question the timing of this there are wise men from long ago that did the math correctly that can be researched ).

It’s the darkness before the dawn basically as Pluto finally for the last time moves towards Aquarius in the most powerful of degrees 29, which is known as the anaretic degree, bringing a sense of urgency to complete what needs doing before his move to Aquarius for 20 years ahead.
He will stay in Aquarius until 2044 to help the rise of consciousness of mankind which is already under way in fact. This move will happen on the 20th Nov just after that powerful Full

Moon and the time when Saturn representing world Governments and new laws, will move direct. Its all interconnected and tells a story for those who can read it.
Saturn in Pisces I wrote about in an article a while back as has brought a softening of the powers that be in areas of Gov and Laws with a big push for a more natural and compassionate approach to peoples health and wellbeing, and more focus on regaining a more spiritual approach to any world Gov system.

The Arian focus of the year and new cycles beginning in different astrology systems has naturally brought wars as wars are sometimes necessary to sort out belief systems that have caused those wars, as Pisces represents our belief systems so in this age of Aquarius beginning, the freedom of choice of beliefs is highlighted and any oppression of the same will be dealt with.

Spiritual beliefs and religions differ as we know and at present we are seeing results of Saturn in Pisces trying to regain structure but there is karma afoot too for certain religions that has been never ending in history so far.

The day of reckoning is upon us.

Next year Neptune moves first into Aries and then later Saturn follows I do believe Neptune in Aries will focus on a more individualistic belief system and Saturn will later bring more structure to this and laws that are helpful for the same.

When the two meet there may even be a spiritual leader appear who will encourage this individualistic approach.
We will explore this concept more as the months advance as next year 4 different planets change signs so that anaretic degree will be in full effect from different sign energies.
In the mean time lets sit back and observe a whole new paradigm entering into our conscious minds that we all have helped co-create on some other level of being. whether we like it or not...

Its time to get deep people!

Art by Susan Boulet

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